
PwC Malta and KSU enter third year of alliance

PwC Malta and KSU enter third year of alliance
Dec 20 2022 Share

Academic years are known to be an overwhelming experience for most; students are still figuring themselves out and learning what they want to do in the future, setting their own career objectives and life goals as they go along. 

As PwC Malta and Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) kick off the third year of alliance with the current scholastic year, we look back at, and celebrate, their two years of collaboration, which aims not to define students, but to ease their pressures, by guiding them in the right direction through a series of initiatives. 

The achievement of empowering education whilst working towards high-level confidence, mirrors PwC’s values of building trust in society and preparing students to become part of the solution to help solve social challenges. 

PwC Malta and KSU recently included the release of a special episode of PwC Malta’s Trend Talk podcast ‘Working in new and unexpected ways’ guest hosted by PwC HR Manager, Vicky Soler, who was joined by the KSU president, Alex Gaglione, and Vice-President, Beppe Lauri. They covered topical areas, such as student activism, time management skills, and fun around campus, as well as the preparation underway for the most popular event of the year, KSU Freshers’ Week. 

During this highly anticipated event, students get the opportunity to meet possible future employers, pick up useful merchandise and participate in social media competitions such as the one offered by PwC and KSU, which allowed one lucky student to win a MacBook Pro! The revamped and widened purpose of the KSU x PwC Malta Common Room was designed for shaping a better academic experience.

The space is renowned for being a home-away-from-home, building on a safe and cosy atmosphere to further promote a study-leisure balance, by adding an element of entertainment in an area which nonetheless allows for concentration. During exams, PwC is often present to support students during study periods and ease the late hours contributed by the students, alongside providing healthy snacks and energy drinks to motivate and lighten the study sessions during the high-tension period.

The KSU x PwC Malta Career Expo also hosts an annual event held over a duration of three days, where students can explore career opportunities offered by various stakeholders and industries and where students have the opportunity to meet possible future employers in person. 2023 is set for its strongest year yet, bringing on more engaging events with fresh opportunities to look out for, which will continue to create valuable experiences by building on a number of fun activities, whilst continuing to contribute towards the students’ learning development and the importance it brings in creating their own missions and purpose.

Through supporting the student community in a number of life-long learning engagements and entertainment throughout the year, PwC Malta and KSU are both delivering on their beliefs of the potential in student activism, an important tool for giving students a voice, a catalyst for transforming social change. These initiatives are led by elevating the skills of the local young talent pool, with the aim of shaping future leaders to evolve and uplift our society and the workplace of tomorrow.


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Lionel Messi arrives back in Argentina holding World Cup trophy

Lionel Messi arrives back in Argentina holding World Cup trophy
Dec 20 2022 Share

Lionel Messi and his fellow Argentinian football teammates arrived back in Argentina back from Qatar at 2:40am on Tuesday. 

The Ezeiza International Airport in Buenos Aires welcomed the players with jubilation as Messi held the trophy up high in celebration, having beaten France in an ecstatic final. 


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The footballers will reportedly spend the night at the Argentine Football Association training complex situated close to the airport and meeting thousands of fans and supporters. 

The players still have a busy schedule ahead, taking a tour of the Buenos Aires city centre. The French team reportedly arrived late in Paris on Monday and receive a welcome as well for their performance during the World Cup final. 


Source: Metro

Parliament votes in favour of the ‘abortion’ law amendment

Dec 19 2022 Share

Today, with 42 votes in favour and 34 against, Parliament voted in favour of a law amendment that will allow abortions when a woman’s life or health is at risk – the final vote, before the law is put in front of the President to sign, will be held next year.

This means that proposed changes have now passed second reading and will only be subject to tweaks at Parliament committee stage.

Outside Parliament, after the vote, Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that this amendment will not introduce abortion and will protect women. On the other hand, in a statement, the PN said it will continue doing its utmost to ensure proper consultation about the amendments at committee stage, hoping that the final vote will be different than that of today.

Whilst all Opposition MPs voted against, the PN urged everyone who is against this law, to make their voices heard.



Threatening letters sent to Labour MPs Rebecca Buttigieg & Randolph De Battista

Labour MPs Rebecca Buttigieg & Randolph De Battista receive threatening letters
Dec 19 2022 Share

Labour MPs Rebecca Buttigieg and Randolph De Battista have received two anonymous letters with obscene language and threats to themselves, Prime Minister Robert Abela and even De Battista’s partner and MEP Cyrus Engerer.

In the letter addressed to the Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms and Equality, Buttigieg was called a ‘dirty labour whore’ and ‘killer of babies’ amongst other things. “It’s apparent that you know how to open your hands (I’m aware even your legs behind the scene), the letter wrote.

Meanwhile, the letter addressed to De Battista feature homophobic language, called him corrupt, part of ‘Bobby’s’ government ‘which ruined Malta’ and ‘ugly with teeth like Bugs Bunny’s’ before going on to attack his partner MEP Cyrus Engerer with similar homophobic language.

Both letters concluded with threatening statements and that the MPs will, somehow, pay for what they have done.

What do you make of this?
