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Public Outcry After Driver Kills Cat Whilst Driving One Way

Public Outcry After Driver Kills Cat Whilst Driving One Way
Jul 24 2023 Share

A video and photos shared on social media have caused public outcry after a driver in Isla drove one way and killed a stray cat. 

The footage shows a car driving up a one way road in Isla as a small kitten darts out into the road, with the driver continuing on. 

The kitten was later photographed dead, prompting a lot of backlash online. The footage and photographs were re-shared by many, including cyclist Fabio Spiteri. 

‘This moron drove one way , speeding up and hit that stray cat. She died ! Bullies on the road’, wrote Fabio. 

In a separate post, Fabio tagged Minister for Animal Rights Anton Refalo and Parliamentary Secretary for Animal Rights Alicia Bugeja Said to take action on the act. 


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5 Books You Can Read During Power Cuts

5 Books You Can Read During Power Cuts
Jul 24 2023 Share

When Malta’s in the midst of a power cut pandemonium, and the scorching heat wave has got you sweating like never before, fret not, dear readers! Grab these electrifying reads to make the most of your dark and sweaty nights.

“Everything is F*cked” – Mark Manson

Oh, how fitting! With the power out and the heat soaring, Mark Manson’s “Everything is F*cked” seems like the perfect existential crisis manual. Dive into this mind-bending book that makes you question everything, from the meaning of life to why on earth there’s no air conditioning right now. It might not solve the blackout, but at least you’ll feel enlightened while sweating it out.

“Animal Farm” – George Orwell

Welcome to Malta’s very own Animal Farm! As the heat wave turns us all into parched animals, Orwell’s classic reminds us how power-hungry creatures can take over and mess up even the most organized societies. Is this blackout a government conspiracy to save electricity bills during the heat wave? We’ll let you be the judge of that!

“The Light In Hidden Places” – Sharon Cameron

Ah, the irony! In the midst of a blackout, we have “The Light In Hidden Places.” This captivating tale of bravery and hope during World War II shines brighter than a thousand bulbs. Follow Stefania Podgórska’s journey as she navigates through darkness and danger. Who knew a book about finding light would be such a perfect fit for a power cut?

“Heat Wave” – Eric Klinenberg

Trust us, you don’t need a book to remind you of the blistering heat wave outside. But Eric Klinenberg’s “Heat Wave” does delve into how communities cope during extreme weather events. Take some comfort in reading about how others survive in the scorching temperatures while you fan yourself desperately in the darkness.


As the blackout blankets our beloved island, what better way to feel connected to the Maltese spirit than through “Id-Denfil”? This Maltese gem will transport you to simpler times when electricity wasn’t a necessity. Immerse yourself in local tales and folklore to distract yourself from the sweating and power outage.

There you have it, folks! Your ultimate reading list to survive the blackout blues during Malta’s heat wave! Stay cool, keep reading, and let’s hope the lights come back on soon! 💡📚🔥


22 Year Old Driver Injured After Crash With Bus In Rabat

22 Year Old Driver Injured After Crash With Bus In Rabat
Jul 24 2023 Share

Today, at around 0700hrs, a 22-year-old man resident of Ħaż-Żabbar was taken to Mater Dei Hospital after he was injured in a traffic accident in Triq Patri G A Bonelli, Rabat. 

Preliminary investigations showed that a crash had taken place between a Toyota Vitz driven by the victim and a bus of the Otokar Vectio make driven by a 27 year old man resident of St Paul’s Bay. 

A medical team gave assistance and took the man to Mater Dei, where he was certified as having suffered grievous injuries. 

Investigations by police are ongoing. 


Enemalta Substation Caught Fire Overnight In Rabat

Enemalta Substation Caught Fire Overnight In Rabat
Jul 24 2023 Share

Police informed Times of Malta that an Enemalta substation in Rabat caught fire last night. 

The incident occurred at around 10:15pm on Triq Pierre Muscat, Rabat, with residents having to be evacuated from their homes when a cable within the substation burst into flames. 

No one was injured or hospitalised, with residents being evacuated as a precautionary measure. The Civil Protection Department were on site along with Enemalta staff members. 

This comes as Enemalta also reveals that 45 high voltage network faults were repaired. ‘Some ten thousand hours of work have already been dedicated to the complex works involved in repairing these cables.’ 

‘As soon as the fault was identified, substations connected to the same circuit which could be safely re-energised, were switched on again. Meanwhile, repairs of the faulty termination were launched immediately, and electricity supply to the remaining areas was restored during the same night’, Enemalta revealed in the statement. 
