This Saturday 6th April at 11am, Movement Graffitti will be joining the Valletta residents in front of Parliament to protest against the current state of Valletta.
‘The occupation of public spaces in Valletta by tables, chairs and other structures placed on public land by catering outlets has now exceeded all limits’, the activist group explained.
‘Despite there being clear policies that are meant to regulate the operation of outdoor catering areas, enforcement is largely non-existent. The authorities concerned, namely the Lands Authority, the Planning Authority and the MTA are clearly not fit for the job.’
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‘Due to the impunity that reigns in this sector, the owners of catering establishments are running roughshod over the right of residents to public accessibility and a decent quality of life. The Valletta residents are having to bear to brunt of the unbridled commercialisation of their public spaces.’
‘Our capital city, which is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an integral part of our collective cultural heritage and must be protected. We therefore encourage you to join us.’