
Progress Continues On Artistic Project In Church Of Ħal Kirkop

Mar 15 2024 Share

The artistic project that will adorn the Ħal Kirkop Parish Church is being given a new pictorial scheme. The project is being funded by the Malta Arts Council and the Malta Airport Foundation.

This artistic project is being carried out by established artist Anthony Spagnol, who will be integrating contemporary elements while respecting the existing artistic heritage.

During a visit from Owen Bonnici, the Minister for National Heritage, the Arts, and Local Government, he observed the progress of the project and subsequently expressed his support for how this initiative seeks to enrich the cultural, artistic, and social significance of Ħal Kirkop village.

“This initiative reflects the government’s commitment to the preservation and celebration of our artistic heritage and identity as a country. Every investment in our heritage is an investment in ensuring that this heritage continues to be enjoyed by future generations,” said Minister Bonnici.

Michael Pace Ross, the Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese of Malta, emphasized that this project honors the legacy of those who preceded us, leaving behind a heritage that reflects their faith, passed down through generations.

“I express gratitude for the collaboration driving this project forward. We must continue to preserve this heritage for our future generations and for the benefit of tourists. I extend my thanks to the professionals involved, the Malta Arts Council, the Malta Airport Foundation for their funding, and all contributors, including parish priest Dun Martin Cardona,” remarked Mr. Pace Ross.

Kenneth Cassar, an art historian aiding the Church of Ħal Kirkop in this endeavor, highlighted, “This project achieves a harmonious blend between the existing pictorial scheme by Giuseppe Briffa and the proposals of artist Anthony Spagnol, resulting in a comprehensive scheme that encompasses both artistic periods and liturgical elements.”


The 6 Stages of St. Patrick’s in Malta

The 6 Stages of St. Patrick's in Malta
Mar 15 2024 Share

St. Patrick’s Day in Malta is not just an event; it’s an epic journey. Here’s how it unfolds:

Waking up early to get a St. Paddy’s head start – The day begins with the alarm buzzing earlier than usual. It’s the excitement that gets you out of bed; after all, St. Paddy’s Day waits for no one.

Meeting the squad at the Big G’s/Quenchers Area – The first checkpoint. Everyone gathers here, decked out in green, ready to dive into the festivities. It’s the perfect kickoff spot for what’s to come.

The standard celebratory pint of Guinness – It’s practically a rule. You find yourself holding a frothy pint of Guinness, toasting to good times and making memories. This iconic beverage becomes your loyal companion for the day.

A long day of St. Patrick’s Celebration – The heart of the experience. Music, dancing, and laughter fill the air. The energy is infectious, with every moment more memorable than the last.

Post-party food fest – After hours of revelry, hunger strikes. It’s time for a food fest. The streets are lined with vendors, offering everything from local bites to international eats. This feast is a much-needed fuel stop.

Taking the following day off – The only way to end the marathon. Everyone knows not to make plans for the day after. It’s reserved for rest, recovery, and reminiscing about the epic adventure that was St. Patrick’s in Malta.

And there you have it, the six essential stages of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on this beautiful island. It’s a whirlwind of fun, friends, and festivities that you wouldn’t want to miss.


Tallinja Announces Alternative Routes for St.Patrick’s Day Celebrations

Mar 15 2024 Share

In anticipation of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities, Tallinja has informed bus passengers traveling through Sliema and St. Julian’s that there will be changes to bus routes and schedules on Sunday to accommodate the expected influx of celebrants for the holiday.

To accommodate the celebrations, shuttle services will be made available throughout the day to ensure smooth travelling for everyone going to and leaving Sliema and St. Julian’s. Services will operate as usual from early morning to 11:00 whilst from 11:00 to 23:00 shuttles will depart every five minutes.

For late night travelers between 23:00 and 01:00 transportation will be made available every ten minutes.  The shuttle route includes key locations along Manwel Dimech Street, Rodulfu Street, and Sir Adrian Dingli Street, among others.

Extra stops such as Agata, Savoy, Howard, and Ballutta have been added to ensure convenient access for all passengers with the routes ending at Sliema Ferries.

These adjustments from Tallinja have been made to ensure ease and accessibility when it comes to making it to and leaving from the iconic St. Patrick’s day celebrations.


Financing agreement signed for 267 social housing apartments

Mar 15 2024 Share

“In this record year for social housing initiatives, our focus extends beyond the construction of social housing units; we are creating sustainable communities for all,” stated Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodation Roderick Galdes, as the European Investment Bank and Malita Investments concluded a financing agreement worth €22 million for the development of 267 social and affordable housing units in Ħal Farruġ, with construction advancing steadily.

Minister Galdes explained how the positive relationship between the European Investment Bank and the Government is leading to the creation of social and affordable housing that sets a benchmark in terms of environmental and social standards.

He mentioned how this year our country will see an unprecedented investment in this sector, a record number of social housing projects and schemes for various beneficiaries. “The Government is committed to provide families in need with housing that is not only social and affordable but of the highest quality and this agreement marks another significant stride in the work we are implementing. The Government is also committed to strengthening existing schemes,” concluded Minister Galdes.

European Investment Bank Vice-President Gelsomina Vigliotti stated thast this investment underscores the bank’s commitment to supporting sustainable development and addressing critical social challenges across Europe.

Marlene Mizzi, Malita Investments Chairperson expressed her satisfaction at the confidence which the European Investment Bank has shown in the company and the project at large.

Also present for the signing were Permanent Secretary Emanuel Psaila and Malta Investments Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Falzon.


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