As his memoir ‘Spare’ starts to make headlines, Prince Harry has sensationally confessed to everything from snorting cocaine to be different as well as his kill count during his time in the military.
In the autobiography, Harry admitted to smoking cannabis at Eton and experimenting with magic mushrooms. The Duke also admitted to using cocaine during a shooting weekend by the summer of 2002 when he was 17.

He said that it was not fun and that it did not make him feel ‘as happy as it seemed to make others.’ However it helped him ‘to feel’ and ‘be different’.
Harry also revealed that he killed 25 Taliban members, as his ‘flying six missions during is second tour of duty on the front line resulted in the taking of human lives’. This is something he is neither proud nor ashamed, he said.
To top it all off, Harry also revealed that he lost his virginity in a field behind a very busy pub and that the woman treated him like a ‘young stallion’.
Other revelations concern Harry and William begging Charles not to marry Camilla and that he ‘contacted’ his mother Diana through a psychic. Diana reportedly told Harry that he was living the life she wanted to.