
Prince Harry and Meghan expecting second child

Feb 15 2021 Share

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have announced that they are expecting their second child after sharing a black and white photo together with Meghan resting her head on Harry’s lap.

A spokesperson for the couple confirmed that their son Archie will soon become a big brother as the royal family are reportedly ‘delighted’ for the couple and wished them well.

Meghan had suffered a miscarriage last July, which she revealed in a heart-wrenching tell-all New York Times article where she wrote “I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second.”


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PM Robert Abela’s grandmother tests positive for COVID-19

Feb 15 2021 Share

During a political event held in Floriana on Sunday, Prime Minister Robert Abela revealed that his grandmother Lukarda had tested positive for COVID-19.

90-year-old Lukarda, who the Prime Minister called ‘a personal source of everyday courage and energy’ will be celebrating her 91st birthday this Friday.

Illum in-nanna tiegħi Lukarda tagħlaq 90 sena. Sors ta' enerġija u kuraġġ għalija personali ta' kuljum!

Posted by Robert Abela on Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Here’s hoping that his Lukarda has a speedy recovery and a peaceful 91st birthday!


Have a look at these COVID-19 themed Carnival floats in Gozo

Feb 14 2021 Share

Carnival floats this year have not failed to impress us, some of them even have a COVID-19 twist!

Kings with masks, and floats with vaccine themes have been seen on the streets of Gozo. Kudos to the artists who are making the floats current too!

Have a look;

Photo Source: Clint Camilleri FB

Photo Source: Clint Camilleri FB


Statistics show that Malta is performing best at vaccinating people against COVID-19

Feb 14 2021 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela said during this morning’s political event, that Malta is statistically performing best at vaccinating people against COVID-19.

The Prime Minister also noted that March and May have been identified as realistic timelines for Malta commencement of economic recovery.

It will be a long road back to normality but we’ll be starting on the road soon.
