Prime Minister Robert Abela addressed Parliament during a debate on the Climate Action Bill, emphasizing the government’s commitment to enacting changes in the fairest manner to foster progress and enhance quality of life for all citizens. He highlighted the proposed establishment of a Climate Change Authority as a significant step towards cohesive and decisive action on climate change, emphasizing its role in fostering holistic perspectives and engaging all stakeholders in meaningful dialogue.
Abela stressed the urgency of embracing change to avoid widespread suffering and underscored the importance of proactive environmental policies rooted in prevention. He cited various ongoing initiatives such as the promotion of cleaner energy, sustainable tourism practices, recycling efforts, and investment in green projects as part of Malta’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
While advocating for a green transition as an economic opportunity, Abela reiterated the government’s commitment to prioritize the welfare of families and ensure that the burden of change does not fall solely on citizens. He warned against populism and emphasized the need for collective efforts and a shift in mindset to address climate challenges while promoting economic growth and social support.
Abela highlighted the crucial role of children and young people in shaping decisions related to climate action, emphasizing the government’s engagement with youth through forums such as the Youth Advisory Forum. He concluded by expressing Malta’s readiness to embrace change as an opportunity for prosperity and reaffirmed the government’s dedication to implementing sustainable social and economic reforms outlined in the Climate Action Bill.