
President Of Malta Gifts Pope Francis 6 Computers

President Of Malta Gifts Pope Francis 6 Computers
Mar 22 2024 Share

President George Vella of Malta met with Pope Francis at the Vatican, discussing the strong relations between Malta and the Holy See.

They addressed global issues, including the war in Ukraine, the Middle East situation, and the importance of peace and dialogue.

President Vella highlighted Malta’s role in promoting peace as a member of the UN Security Council and as Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE.

Emphasizing Malta’s neutrality, he stressed its commitment to facilitating dialogue worldwide. The discussions also covered challenges such as irregular migration, weapons use in conflicts, and climate change.

Reflecting on Pope Francis’s past visit to Malta, President Vella expressed the people’s fond memories of the occasion.

Following the meeting, President Vella’s delegation, including Minister Ian Borg, presented Pope Francis with computers for the Madre di Misericordia Clinic, aiding those in need. Subsequently, President Vella and Minister Borg met with Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

The delegation visited the Madre di Misericordia Clinic, established by Pope Francis in 2015, providing healthcare to thousands annually under Cardinal Konrad Krajewski’s guidance.


Prime Minister Reiterates Calls For A Permanent Ceasefire

Prime Minister Reiterates Calls For A Permanent Ceasefire
Mar 22 2024 Share

European Union leaders, including Malta’s Prime Minister Robert Abela, have convened in Brussels for the spring summit, with the conflict in Ukraine and the security and defense of the EU topping the agenda.

During the opening of the European Council, Prime Minister Abela, alongside other European leaders, met with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, where he specifically addressed the dire situation in Gaza.

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Expressing shock, Prime Minister Abela emphasised the need for the Council to break its silence and go beyond offering humanitarian aid, urging for a lasting ceasefire.

Highlighting Malta’s stance, Prime Minister Abela stressed the importance of condemning atrocities unequivocally and advocating for a permanent ceasefire.

Speaking to TVMnews, he reiterated Malta’s call for the European bloc to safeguard the constitutional principles of small member states like Malta.

The European Council deliberations are set to continue on Friday, with a Euro Summit focusing on the economic situation of the EU also scheduled.


Bernard Grech Among Leaders Of European People’s Party

Bernard Grech Among Leaders Of European People’s Party
Mar 22 2024 Share

The Nationalist Party of Malta participated in a crucial summit organized by the European People’s Party (EPP) in Brussels, reaffirming its dedication to upholding European values and fostering a Europe closely aligned with the needs of its people. Bernard Grech, Leader of the Nationalist Party, engaged with prominent European leaders within the EPP, including Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, and Manfred Weber, President of the EPP, among others.

In his address, Grech underscored the party’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the quality of life, ensuring security, and addressing the challenges faced by Maltese and Gozitan farmers. He highlighted the pivotal role of the EPP in supporting agricultural workers amidst evolving challenges.

Moreover, Grech shed light on discussions surrounding broader themes such as improving quality of life and creating new economic opportunities. He emphasized the importance of modernizing economic sectors previously introduced by Nationalist Governments in Malta, calling for strategic governmental investment to meet contemporary challenges effectively.

Additionally, productive conversations were held with Commissioner Margaritis Schinas, focusing on immigration, security, and housing issues within Malta. The Nationalist Party views these discussions as crucial steps towards addressing pressing concerns and fostering collaboration at the European level.

Accompanying Grech was International Secretary Beppe Galea, reflecting the party’s commitment to active engagement on international platforms and furthering Malta’s interests within the European context.

The Nationalist Party remains steadfast in its dedication to representing the interests of Maltese citizens and advancing shared European values within the EPP.


Harpers Baazar Spotlights Maltese Marisa Abela’s Amy Winehouse Role

Marisa Abela's Transformative Portrayal of Amy Winehouse
Mar 22 2024 Share

Marisa Abela, known for her intense on-screen performances, will tackle the iconic role of Amy Winehouse in the upcoming biopic “Back to Black.” Despite her history of portraying characters in turmoil, Abela exudes a quiet confidence in person. Dressed casually in a black Rixo dress, jacket, and flat boots, she arrives early for our meeting along the canal in north London, preparing for the attention that will inevitably accompany the film’s release.

Initially hesitant about the role, Abela’s deep dive into Winehouse’s life transformed her perspective. Immersing herself in “Amy bootcamp,” she underwent physical training, singing lessons, and even consulted with a dietician to accurately embody Winehouse’s struggles with addiction and disordered eating.

Abela’s dedication to authenticity extended to her audition, where she eschewed makeup and Winehouse’s signature beehive hairstyle. Her commitment paid off, earning her the role and praise for her ability to capture Winehouse’s essence, both in voice and mannerisms.

Despite facing scrutiny and trolling on social media, Abela remains focused on honoring Winehouse’s legacy with empathy and respect. She draws parallels between her own upbringing and Winehouse’s experiences, crediting her mother for instilling a strong work ethic and empathy in her.

Abela’s journey from considering a history degree to pursuing acting reflects her desire to follow her passions despite uncertainties. Her decision to embrace the role of Amy Winehouse exemplifies her belief in pursuing happiness over succumbing to fear.



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