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President George Vella gets vaccinated for COVID-19 and urges public to get vaccinated

Jan 5 2021 Share

President, George Vella has just got vaccinated for COVID-19 on a live broadcast from the official saħħa Facebook page.

The President has urged the Maltese public to get vaccinated once they are offered the vaccine and to ignore false information spreading on the internet about the COVID-19 vaccine.


Maltese actor Andrei Claude continues to make Malta proud on latest Vikings season 6

Jan 5 2021 Share

Maltese actor, Andrei Claude, continues to make Malta proud as he continues to appear on the popular TV series, Vikings on Season 6.

Andrei Claude has made appearances in several movies and series namely; Gladiator and Game of Thrones.

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UEFA named Haley Bugeja top player to watch for 2021

Jan 5 2021 Share

The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) have picked out 10 young female football players to watch out for in 2021.

Our very own Haley Bugeja is one of these top 10 female players to watch out for.


ASCS consider FEMA blanket decision unjust but they are sure FEMA and student body will get to a resolution

Jan 5 2021 Share

Following a blanket decision taken by FEMA to fail every student from a particular test in a study unit which is 33% of the final mark due to a number of students who cheated, ASCS have voiced their opinion and shed some light about the happening.

A number of students were completely uninvolved in the cheating and ASCS argues that they should not be punished for something they did not do.

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A new FEMA board has been appointed to reevaluate the situation and determine the best way forward.
