
Power Cuts Reported Around Malta As Storm Intensifies

Power Cuts Reported Around Malta As Storm Intensifies
Aug 31 2023 Share

Various power cuts were reported around Malta as an intense storm covered most of the island.

According to the Enemalta official live power outage map, the multiple localities were experiencing power cuts during the storm: Attard, Gharghur, Lija, Mosta, Naxxar, Mgarr, Rabat and Mellieha. The power cuts come as Malta is battered by thunder, lightning and rain, with many encountering traffic caused by the intense weather. 

Earlier on Thursday afternoon, Enemalta dispatched its technical teams to repair damages to its outdoor electricity infrastructure in certain rural areas, including aerial lines and outdoor transformers.

These damages were reported in a few localised small zones in the countryside, in areas such as Wardija, Mtahleb, Marnisi and Armier. Electricity supply to the affected areas was restored through alternative connections within a short time. In isolated cases, the affected areas will be reconnected to the grid as soon as repairs are completed.

On Thursday, the Company also responded to an underground cable fault affecting parts of Naxxar, Gharghur and Mosta. Electricity supply was restored through alternative connections soon afterwards.

In information sent to the newsroom, Enemalta stated that it is committed to continue improving the quality of its electricity services in Malta and Gozo through an ongoing investment in the national grid, the continued development of its human resources and the consolidation of its customer support services.


Manhole Overflows In Mosta As Intense Weather Hits Malta

Manhole Overflows In Mosta As Intense Weather Hits Malta
Aug 31 2023 Share

As the Maltese islands get battered by intense weather, videos uploaded to local social media show the impact the heavy rain has on various localities. 


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A video uploaded to Are You Being Served? shows a pot hole in Constitution Street, Mosta. The area was reportedly, according to the person posting the video, under road works for around a year before the weather hit and led to this incident. 

Stay safe in this intense weather.


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Maltese Photographer Captures Super Blue Moon

Maltese Photographer Captures Super Blue Moon
Aug 31 2023 Share

Photographer Clayton Curmi took the opportunity of the rare occurrence of the super blue moon to capture a stunning image of Earth’s natural satellite as it shone in the night sky. 

Speaking to MaltaDaily, Clayton explained how despite ‘cloudy skies threatening to obscure the event, I persisted. Armed with weather updates and unwavering determination, I seized the moment when the clouds parted briefly around 00:30 hours.’

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‘The final image is composed by stacking individual frames in AutoStakkert from a video sequence 40 seconds long @ 25 frames/second and processed in Photoshop for contrast and sharpening.’

‘The occurrence of a Blue Moon coinciding with a Supermoon is considerably more infrequent than the appearance of either a Supermoon or a Blue Moon by itself. Although a Super Blue Moon could potentially manifest twice within a single month, there are instances where they remain separated by intervals spanning up to 20 years.’

‘The term “Blue Moon” refers to the second full moon in a month, a rarity that hints at the moon’s mystique. A Supermoon, on the other hand, occurs when the moon approaches Earth closely during its full phase, creating a larger and more luminous appearance.’


Rainfall Finally Hits Malta as Villages Blanketed by Thick Clouds

Aug 31 2023 Share

The Maltese Islands have finally been blessed with some long-awaited post-summer rainfall, marking a dramatic shift from the relentless heat that had dominated the region for months.


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Islanders rejoiced as the initially-forecasted rain made its grand entrance, providing a much-needed reprieve from the conditions that had scorched our island all summer long. The collective eagerness for this precipitation had been palpable, with residents closely monitoring weather forecasts and gazing expectantly at the sky.

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Streets that had been dust-laden and barren suddenly transformed into glistening avenues as the rain intensified, splashing against the facades of villages across Malta.

This inaugural post-summer rainfall not only replenished the land but also rekindled a sense of hope and wonder among the island’s populace, reminding them of nature’s capacity to awe and astonish.

Is it raining in your village?
