
‘Pop In’ Seeks Community Assistance In Identifying Shoplifter

Jan 27 2024 Share

In a recent social media post, ‘Pop In’ mini market located in Pieta’ shared a CCTV footage video capturing an incident of shoplifting.

The footage shows a man stealing a bottle of champagne from the store.

The mini market’s caption accompanying the video reads, “This person came to our shop and stole a bottle of champagne. If somebody recognises him, please PM us to pass on details to the Police. Thanks.”

The post is a call to the community for assistance in identifying the alleged shoplifter and aiding the local authorities in resolving the incident.


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The Resting Rich Face Is A Thing According To Researchers

Jan 27 2024 Share

In a shocking revelation, a recent study claims to have cracked the code to determine your social class based on the shape of your face.

The findings suggest that people with narrow, friendly faces are perceived as wealthier, while those with wider features are deemed less fortunate.

According to the study, the rich exude trustworthiness with their smiley mouths, chiselled features, raised brows, closely-spaced eyes, and rosy cheeks, giving them a ‘resting RICH face.’

The research, led by the University of Glasgow, dives into the snap judgments people make about each other, revealing that faces considered ‘poor’ have lowered eyebrows, shorter chins, downturned mouths, and darker, cooler skin tones, making them appear untrustworthy, cold, and inept. The study emphasises how specific facial attributes play a pivotal role in connecting social class perceptions with related stereotypes.

Dr. Thora Bjornsdottir, lead author of the study, warns that these rushed judgments based solely on appearance can have long-lasting consequences, disadvantaging those perceived to be of lower social class. The findings indicate that even in the realm of facial features, there are waiting lists for individuals to be labeled as ‘rich’ or ‘poor.’

The researchers argue that the stereotypes we hold bias our perceptions and can lead to advantages or disadvantages for individuals. The study also sheds light on the struggle of the education sector to attract workers due to unfavourable conditions, urging for more importance and priority to be given to teachers, educators, and workers.


PN Raises Concerns Over Delays in Educational Support Services

Jan 27 2024 Share

The Nationalist Party has brought attention to a critical issue plaguing the education sector in the country, and the dire consequences it has on the future of students. According to the Shadow Minister for Education Justin Schembri, and the Shadow Minister for Equality, Civil Liberties, and Children’s Rights, Graziella Attard Previ, the revelation that 180 students are still waiting to be granted Learning Support Educators (LSE) underscores a troubling trend.

The PN asserted that education is a fundamental right that every child should have access to, emphasising that the government’s shortcomings in this sector are becoming increasingly evident. During a news conference, the Shadow Ministers conveyed their determination to keep pressuring the government and providing an alternative to improve the situation.

The data emerged from a Parliamentary Question to Clifton Grima, revealing that some students have been waiting for LSE support since October 2022, resulting in a 15-month wait for assistance during lessons in both Primary and Secondary schools. The Nationalist Party contends that this situation highlights a failure in the education system, as waiting lists for essential support services should not exist.

The Nationalist Party criticised the government’s inaction, emphasising that the number of students waiting for LSE is continually growing. Across State, Private, and Church schools, there are over 5,000, 400, and 1,800 students, respectively, in need of additional forms of assistance.

One of the root causes of the issue, as highlighted by the Nationalist Party, is the struggle to attract professionals to the education sector due to unfavorables working conditions. The wages do not adequately reflect the significant contributions of educators, making it challenging to find individuals willing to pursue or continue a career in education.

In response to these challenges, the Nationalist Party is calling for the prioritisation of the education sector. They advocate for increased importance and priority to be given to teachers, educators, and workers, emphasising the need for improved working conditions and fair wages to attract and retain qualified individuals in the field.


27,000 People Served At Soup Kitchen Valletta During 2023

Jan 27 2024 Share

In the heart of Valletta, the Soup Kitchen OFM, established on August 25th, 2021, stands as a symbol of hope and resilience. Powered solely by donations, the organization’s commitment to transparency and accountability in its mission to combat hunger has become a beacon in the community. As we reflect on the past year, here is a holistic report on the Soup Kitchen’s accomplishments from January to December 2023.

Throughout 2023, the Soup Kitchen served a staggering 27,000 individuals, reaching communities in Valletta, Floriana, Marsa, Qormi, Żebbuġ, Saint Paul’s Bay, Kirkop, Pieta’, Msida, Gżira, Ħamrun, Ħal-Luqa, Bormla, Birkirkara, Raħal il-Ġdid, Sliema, and Fgura. More than 100,000 portions of food were distributed, showcasing the organization’s commitment to alleviating food insecurity in the region.

In the realm of achievements, the Soup Kitchen prepared 98,400 plates for lunch and distributed 22,100 packed suppers, with an estimated food cost of €603,660. Remarkably, 98 guests found employment with the assistance provided by the Soup Kitchen, marking a significant impact on the lives of those served.

Behind these accomplishments is a dedicated team. The Soup Kitchen OFM Valletta operates with just one full-time and one part-time employee, highlighting the efficiency and impact of its workforce. The core of the operation lies in the tireless efforts of 7 board members and 65 helpers, representing a diverse array of nationalities. Among these helpers are professionals such as 1 lawyer, 3 nurses, 3 social workers, and 3 barbers/hairdressers, all contributing their skills to the cause.

The Soup Kitchen’s success story wouldn’t be complete without acknowledging its support system. A total of 121 companies, 1160 individuals, and 20 schools generously donated to the cause, underscoring the broad community involvement in sustaining the organization.
