
Police arrest man possessing alleged cocaine, heroin, methadone & €30,000 cash

Police arrest man possessing alleged cocaine, heroine, methadone & €30,000 cash
Jan 28 2023 Share

The police have arrested a 47-year-old man from Pietà after he was found with an alleged 100 grams of cocaine, around 60 grams of alleged heroin and 500 millilitres of methadone.

The police also found €30,000 in banknotes and other apparatus related to the processing of drugs after investigating the Pietà residence where the man would allegedly prepare the drugs.

The 47-year-old was in police lockup until 11:30am before he was taken to court.


Pro-life groups claim PBS attempted to censor President’s speech on abortion

Pro-life groups claim PBS attempted to censor President's speech on abortion
Jan 28 2023 Share

The Life Network Foundation, Doctors for Life and I See Life organisations, coming together as the coalition ‘Inti Tista’ Ssalvani’ have written a formal letter to the Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) and Broadcasting Authority claiming censorship of the President of Malta George Vella’s speech regarding abortion.

In a media communication, the coalition claimed that the PBS newsroom “decided to report everything stated by the President during [his speech on International Holocaust Remembrance Day] except the portion where he talks about abortion.

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“Millions of unborn babies are being killed before being given the chance to see the light of day”, President Vella stated during his speech. The coalition went on to argue that this strong statement by the President merits attention and “the fact that PBS decided not to report this, particularly in the present circumstances is an attempt of censorship on the President”.

The communication also stated that this was not the first time the PBS newsroom decided to be selective and censor its reporting, going on to argue that the same newsroom chose to censor everything stated by the doctors during Andrea Prudente’s case in Malta.

“All this is in violation of the clear provision of the Constitution of Malta as well as the provisions in the Broadcasting law which extend this obligation directly to the public broadcaster and which impose on it the obligation to ensure that the services of its news are objective and comprehensive”, the statement read.

What do you make of this?


Photo Source: I See Life FB / continentaleurope via Wiki

Paceville hotspot flooded after heavy rainfall on Friday night

Jan 28 2023 Share

After a significant amount of rainfall on Friday night, a number of spots in Malta were flooded, with passers-by finding difficulty to pass as a result.


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A video sent to Malta Daily shows St. George’s Road in St. Julian’s heavily flooded by accumulated rainfall, with Friday night’s revellers attempting to hop in between pavements & puddles as to avoid getting drenched in water.

This is not the first time that one of Malta’s arterial streets was flooded as a result of rainfall, with many expressing their frustrations on social media. Despite Malta being at low-risk from flooding, heavy rain and storms can cause flash flooding in certain areas, particularly in urban areas where drainage systems may be overwhelmed.


Maltese tech entrepreneur Sean Ellul featured on TIME magazine in ChatGPT debate

Maltese tech entrepreneur Sean Ellul featured on TIME magazine in ChatGPT debate
Jan 28 2023 Share

As the tech world continues to develop amid the global explosion in popularity of AI phenomenon chat GPT, Maltese tech entrepreneur and Metaverse Architects co-founder Sean Ellul gave TIME magazine his two cents on the matter.

Ellul was contacted by TIME with a question regarding ChatGPT, being asked whether his life has been impact by the artificial intelligence tool sweeping the global. Ellul then used artificial intelligence to write an email reply about how the company is using ChatGPT to “brainstorm code, prepare articles and ideate new projects. We even use it to write emails, such as this one!”

“How many times a day do you search something on Google?” The tech entrepreneur replied when asked how many times a day he uses ChatGPT. He went on to reveal that the phenomenon has been completely integrated in the company’s workflow.

When prompted with the question “What is ChatGPT?”, the AI tool stated that “ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. It is trained on a dataset of conversational text and can generate human-like responses to a wide range of topics. It can be used for various natural language processing tasks such as text generation, language translation, and conversation simulation.”

What do you think of this phenomenon?
