
PN to motion against notice extending music hours in Valletta

PN to motion against notice extending music hours in Valletta
Jun 15 2022 Share

In a press release, the Nationalist Party has revealed that they will be presenting a parliamentary motion this afternoon to call on the government to reverse legal notices which extends the time that establishments in certain streets in the capital city. 

The legal notice was introduced in the past week, and will allow bars, restaurants and other entertainment establishments in Valletta streets to play until 1am. 

A list of nine streets was presented as the areas exempt from the ban on late-night music which comes into force after 11pm, unless the condition of keeping the music at moderate level is met. 

‘The parliamentary group declared that it believes that the notice does not recognise the unique characteristics of Valletta as our capital. The Nationalist Party believes that it is a mistake to keep music playing until 1am instead of 11pm’ read the statement. 

The streets in question are: Merchant Street, Old Bakery Street, Old Theatre Street, Republic Street, South Street, St Lucy Street, Strait Street, Archbishop Street and Saint Ursula Street.

The motion was also discussed by PN MP Darren Carabott on social media, who explained that many residents, as well as deputy colleagues Mario de Marco and Paula Mifsud Bonnici, spoke to him about the issue. 


X Factor singer Megan May shares first post-FAITH song ‘h8 that i h8 u’

X Factor singer Megan May shares first post-FAITH song 'h8 that i h8 u'
Jun 15 2022 Share

X Factor singer Megan May has released her first track following the announcement that X Factor girl group ‘FAITH – Five Are In The House’ were ending their journey back in February.

Megan May told Malta Daily that her song ‘h8 that i h8 u’ is a song about love-hate relationships and “how we sometimes hate the feeling of someone we used to love.”

The song is written by Megan May alongside co-writer Aleandro Spiteri Monsigneur and was produced at Railway Studios by Peter Borg.

The music video and track went live on all streaming platforms and we can’t stop listening!


Simpatici spin-off ‘L-ispettur Leonard’ coming to GO’s ‘Tokis’

Simpatici spin-off ‘L-ispettur Leonard’ coming to GO’s ‘Tokis’
Jun 15 2022 Share

GO have just revealed that their third series set to exclusively premier on recently launched Tokis is a Simpatiċi spinoff centred around one of the fan favourite characters. 

L-Ispettur Leonard (Inspector Leonard) will be returning to our screens to salve all the crimes on the GO platform. A spin-off of a local classic, the Maltese will be revisiting a world of a by-gone era. 

Tokis is a TV add-on with a vast library of top Maltese content, available to all GO interactive TV customers on GO TV. 

The first series to launch on the platform was Chalet, followed by Ċaqqufa Season 4. Apart from this are classics like comic drama Deċeduti, horror series ‘Rajt ma Rajtx’, as well as Dun Benit, X-Factor and Strada Stretta. 


Expert issues warnings against vape pens as they gain popularity

Expert issues warnings against vape pens as they gain popularity worldwide
Jun 15 2022 Share

A health expert has issued a warning over the increasing use of vape pens, as many substitute cigarettes for the electronic alternative. 

Despite vapes ‘generally’ being better than cigarettes, a researcher at the University of Chester, Dr Gareth Nye, has said that there is still reasonable potential for lung damage and cancer. 

The popularity of vaping has also rocketed up in Malta, with many teens trying them out in hopes of quitting their cigarette and tobacco addiction. 

The doctor warned that there is limited scientific evidence regarding such products, mainly regarding the liquid used to vape with, rather than the vaping device itself. The liquid can contain nicotine as well as harmful carcinogens and toxicants found in cigarettes. 

And, given the still harmful impacts, users are now smoking the devices indoors and as such increase the amount of smoking throughout the day. This could also boost the amount of second-hand smoking for non-smokers. 

A local study conducted earlier this year showed that a vast of majority of kids participating in a research had traces of second-hand smoke in their bodies. Around 95.4% of kids were exposed to nicotine, despite 72.4% of parents reporting that they were not exposed to smoke at home. 


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