The Nationalist Party has said that it would sponsor a charging pillar for every 50 parking spots in private parks were it to be elected to government. This was revealed by MP David Thake on Tuesday, stating that the PN’s strategy is clear and that they want everyone from as many localities as possible to have access to these charging spots. Thake said that Minister Miriam Dalli ‘invented’ the claim that 60% of electric car owners would charge their car at home, despite the shortage of pillars being addressed by government when it announced that 362 charging spots will be up-and-running by this year’s end.
PN MP Robert Cutajar spoke about the COP26 climate change conference, saying that despite its size, Malta should be a leader on climate change. Cutajar recounted the PN proposal for pedestrian areas and tree mapping in all localities. He praised them as positive measures which will help the environment. Another new proposal by the Opposition is the commissioning of a beach profiling study which will help the government plan and better manage coasts and beaches.

Another proposal sees sites managed by NGOs to be legally transferred to them, with Cutajar saying that the Labour government wasted nine years in the pledge for decarbonization. This meant that the government had no choice but to negotiate the decarbonization rate from 3% to 19%. Janice Chetcuti, the PN’s head of the working group on environmental policies, said that a lot is to be done in order to limit the temeprature increase globally. The aim is to achieve global net zero until the middle of this century in order to keep global temperatures from rising over 1.5 degrees Celsius.