
PN promises families three weeks of paternity leave if elected

PN promises three weeks of paternity leave
Sep 30 2021 Share

Fathers welcoming a new baby may be entitled to three weeks of paid paternity leave if the Nationalist Party is elected in government. This was revealed in a news conference broadcasted by the Nationalist Party on Thursday and is one of five proposals aimed at improving families’ quality of life and balance between family and work.

The PN has been discussing the attempt to create a balance between family and life at the workplace in depth, with MP David Casa highlighting the party’s commitment to enhancing the work-life balance directives established by the European Union, including the introduction of 15 working days of paid leave for fathers.

Casa expressed that it is a shame that few people opt to take parental leave since it is not paid, going on to stress the importance of their proposal to have the government pay for two of the four months of parental leave. This factor is anticipated to strengthen the gender employment gap, wages and pensions.

The PN also plans to introduce bereavement leave for parents who may have lost a child, allowing the parents to claim as much as two weeks of paid leave.


Malta ties with Netherlands for second-lowest unemployment rate in European Union

Malta ties with Netherlands for second-lowest unemployment rate in European Union
Sep 30 2021 Share

The European Union’s statistical office ‘Eurostat’ has released information revealing that Malta has tied with the Netherlands for the second-lowest rate of unemployment within the 27 states of the European Union. Malta and the Netherlands had a 3.2% unemployment rate.

Statistics published by Eurostat show that, over the past month, the median rate of unemployment in the European Union was 6.8%, with the lowest rate of unemployment being in the Czech Republic at 3%.

Spain and Greece had the highest unemployment rates at 14% and 13.2% respectively.


Eminem finally opens new restaurant ‘Mom’s spaghetti’ at Detroit

Eminem finally opens new restaurant 'Mom's spaghetti' at Detroit
Sep 30 2021 Share

Legendary rapper Marshall Mathers more popularly found as Eminem has finally opened his restaurant ‘Mom’s Spaghetti’ in Detroit , where he took orders himself during the opening event.


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Mathers occupied the takeaway window where fans were able to grab an order of spaghetti for $9 and get meatballs or vegan balls for an extra $3-$5. Hundreds of people queued from the early hours in a line that stretched across multiple blocks in the Detroit area. One person reportedly burst into tears at the sight of Eminem, with Eminem happy to share a few moments with the fans, along with a cheeky selfie.

The name of the restaurant comes from Eminem’s hit 2002 track ‘Lose Yourself’, which line has become an iconic moment in music history and a nugget of meme gold. Eminem’s manager Paul Rosenberg stated that the project was “a lot of fun” and praised the overwhelmingly positive feedback given by the fans.

Nice guy Eminem even donated some containers of spaghetti to frontline workers who provided their services during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Miami vibes? Planning Authority approved Birzebbuga regeneration project

Miami vibes? Planning Authority approved Birzebbuga regeneration project
Sep 30 2021 Share

The Planning Authority has approved a €3,500,000 project intended at regenerating the Birzebbuga promenade, which is set to give life to an iconic Maltese location.

In a press release published by the Ministry for Tourism, it was revealed that the project will incorporate various instance of improvement and regeneration along the coastline of Triq San Patrizju which does not only include regeneration, but development of public facilities, the construction of a cistern, improvement of the water system and reorganisation of public transport shelters.

Works are expected to start next year and be completed towards the end of 2024 and will complement other Birzebbugia projects such as the Bengħajsa park and construction of a the parking area which will hopefully improve the quality of life and touristic product in the south of Malta.

Do you like Birzebbugia’s new look?


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