
PN MP Karol Aquilina charged over driving incident and resigns from PN spokesperson position

PN MP Karol Aquilina charged over driving incident and resigns from PN spokesperson position
Mar 30 2021 Share

After a driving incident in which the MP refused to obey police instructions whilst driving, Karol Aquilina will be charged over the June 2019 incident which was first brought to light during the evening TV show Pjazza. The footage showed Aquilina blocking the route of a ministerial vehicle despite orders from police accompanying the vehicle.

Dalgħodu ġejt notifikat mill-Pulizija li se jittieħdu passi fil-konfront tiegħi b'rabta ma' dak li seħħ f'Ġunju ta'…

Posted by Karol Aquilina on Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Aquilina has now resigned as PN spokesperson and parliamentary group secretary after charges were filed. Aquilina also took to Facebook to announce that he will be fighting the charges in court and that many will, according to him, undoubtedly try to use the accusations to sway attention away from the acts of Labour Government.


Two women arrested with drug trafficking connections

Two women arrested with drug trafficking connections
Mar 30 2021 Share

Two women, one 72-year-old and another 47-year-old, were arrested by the Police Drug Squad after being caught in possession of an amount of drugs ready for trafficking. After several days under observation and investigations, police surrounded the residence late at night yesterday.

Drug sachets with what is suspected to be cocaine was found during the residence investigation, before finding another separate amount hidden in the same residence. Magistrate Rachel Montebello was informed of the case and declared an investigation be undertaken by the police. The two women are being kept under arrest in Floriana.


Birgu square’s future vision unveiled by Minister Clayton Bartolo

Birgu square’s future vision unveiled by Minister Clayton Bartolo
Mar 30 2021 Share

Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection has unveiled how Birgu’s town square is set to look after its upcoming transformation. The artistic rendition of the square will give the location the required curation and respectful work to preserve the historical heritage found in the area.

🇲🇹 NINVESTU FIL-KOTTONERA.👇ARA: Kif ser tkun qegħda tiġi mibdula l-Pjazza tal-Birgu fix-xhur li gejjin. Malta Tourism Authority | Infrastructure Malta

Posted by Clayton Bartolo on Monday, 29 March 2021

The project will be an investment of around €500,000 to recreate the square into an open space for the public to be overseen by Bartolo and Infrastructure Minister Ian Borg.


Vatican provides COVID-19 vaccine to 1,200 of Rome’s poor

Vatican provides COVID-19 vaccine to 1,200 of Rome’s poor
Mar 30 2021 Share

The Vatican charity office is working on getting as many as 1,200 of Rome’s poorest and homeless people vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Pope Francis appealed repeatedly that no one should be excluded from getting the vaccine and as such will be holding jab administrations during the Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday.

The programme will be coordinated by papal almsgiver Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, who has himself spent Christmas in hospital due to COVID-19. The vulnerable people will be offered the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which has been the same jab used by the pope and Holy See’s employees. Pope Francis stated that he believes everyone ethically deserves to be vaccinated.

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