
PN MP challenges Prime Minister to spend time in ‘boiling’ classrooms

PN MP challenges Prime Minister to spend time in ‘boiling’ classrooms
Jun 2 2022 Share

‘A pandemic of heat’ – PN MP and education spokesperson Justin Schembri has hit out at the fact that many classrooms in Malta are still without any air conditioning systems. 

‘Temperatures are reaching scorching heights rapidly’ said the MP on the 1st of June. ‘And despite the many promises made every year by the government, classrooms still have no air conditioning.’ 

‘The conditions in many packed classrooms are intolerable and are showing that we literally do not care about our youth. These are the same classrooms in which they will be sitting for their exams in the coming days.’

Schembri said that Malta is one of the countries in the EU with the highest spending on education – something the MP commended. However, he went on to ask about where this money was going if not in improving the quality of schools. 

‘I invite the Prime Minister and the Minister for Education to come and spend a few lessons in these hot conditions so maybe they understand. No, I challenge them!’ said Schembri. 


Hamrun secondary school students gift local police as thanks

Hamrun secondary school students gift local police as thanks
Jun 2 2022 Share

As a sign of thanks and gratitude for the work that they do, the students of San Gong Preca College Hamrun Secondary School backed some muffins to gift the local police.

The muffins were accompanied by kind messages to the officers, bringing a big smile onto the police’s faces as the students carried out the act of kindness. 

‘Showing gratitude and respect towards those who do their best to protect and safeguard our lives was something the students wanted to express’ wrote the school’s official Facebook page. 

Well done to all those involved and keep spreading the kindness! 


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Drinking coffee is associated with lower death risk says study

Drinking coffee is associated with lower death risk says study
Jun 2 2022 Share

Attention coffee lovers: your favourite hot beverage may hold more power than just keeping you awake when bouts of sleepiness hit. 

According to a new study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, drinking either sweetened or unsweetened coffee is associated with a lower death risk when compared with not drinking. 

Researchers surveyed 171,616 participants across the United Kingdom up to five times over the course of a year about their lifestyle. The scientists then looked up death certificates to see who passed away after an average of seven years later. 

With coffee-drinking habits being part of the main focus, the participants’ ages ranged from 37 to 73 and reported they had no cardiovascular disease or cancer at the time of survey. 

Results showed that people who drank a moderate amount of coffee (ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 cups a day) and sweetened their drink had a 30% lower death risk compared with non-coffee drinkers. 

Unsweetened coffee drinkers had between 16% and 29% lower death risk compared with non-coffee drinkers. The findings were adjusted to account for other things such as amount of physical activity, smoking level, dietary level and even education status. 

There is some concern about the sugar intake however. The average coffee drinker who sweetens their coffee was found to put in an average of 1 teaspoon of sugar. The ‘immortality’ benefits of coffee aren’t negated by 1 teaspoon, but the researchers warned against high calorie specialties. So no more caramel macchiatos if you want to live forever! 


‘I still believe Amber Heard’ Peppi Azzopardi addresses final verdict

‘I still believe Amber Heard’ Peppi Azzopardi addresses final verdict
Jun 2 2022 Share

Taking to Facebook, Xarabank host Peppi Azzopardi expressed his support for Amber Heard, who has just lost the court case against her husband Johnny Depp yesterday evening. 

‘Two years ago in the UK, the court had provided enough evidence that Johnny Depp used to physically abuse his wife Amber Heard. The UK court had claimed that 12 out of 14 reports about Depp assaulting Heard were true’ said Azzopardi. 

Fast-forwarding two years, the local personality said that the American court found that Heard was lying and that Depp never hurt her. ‘What is the difference? A judge took a verdict in the UK whereas a jury of 7 decided in America.’ 

‘7 members of jury who were chosen without any qualification in law’ said Azzoaprdi. ‘They were so unqualified that when they emerged with a verdict, the judge sent them back because they left out several important questions.’ 

‘It’s as if choosing me (Azzopardi) to judge a ballet show or going to a mechanic to address a headache. It is obvious that the jury were carried along by public opinion’ said Azzoaprdi. 

The Xarabank host made reference to an alleged message Depp had sent which went unnoticed by the jury; ‘I will f**k her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she’s dead.’ Comparing this to similar cases he’s encountered, Azzoaprdi said that many women are afraid to speak up and are only believed ‘after their abuser kills them.’ 

‘The TikTok #justiceforjohnnydepp was viewed by 18 billion people. Johnny knew his fame had already found him innocent but he wanted to continue with the show’ said Azzopardi. The post was met with mixed reactions, with many still siding with Depp. 

Depp had sued Heard for a Washington Post op-ed she wrote in which she claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse. Depp sued Heard for $50 million for defamation, with his ex-wife counter-suing for $100 million. Depp emerged victorious. 
