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PN Leader Bernard Grech Addresses Farmer Protest

PN Leader Bernard Grech Addresses Farmer Protest
Feb 16 2024 Share

Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech joined the farmers’ protest yesterday, saying that we need to be able to guarantee ‘food and water’ in Malta. 

Speaking to the farmers and journalists, the Opposition leader said that he has been vying for this point for the last 3 and a half years. 

He added that consultations for the rights of farmers do not start on the day of the protest but is, instead, an ongoing process. 

Bernard Grech said that the PN had brought up the issue of how the laws will impact the livelihoods of farmers, but the laws passed nonetheless. 

He said that he understands that governments try to do what is best, but in such circumstances, the government needs to do much more. 


Alex Borg Joins Farmer Protest

Alex Borg Joins Farmer Protest
Feb 16 2024 Share

Young Nationalist MP Alex Borg joined the farmers yesterday for the protest against EU directives which they argue are impacting their livelihoods negatively. 

Posting to social media, the MP shared a photo of himself in a tractor, writing: ‘Aħna hawn’ (we’re here), tagging Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi – the organisers of the protest. 

Farmers mobilised their tractors against EU directives yesterday, driving through Maltese streets. 

Organized by the Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi and supported by various other food production-related organizations, the protest aims to build upon the achievements of their initial demonstration held two weeks ago.

Marked as the first organized protest by farmers in a generation, the previous event was part of a larger movement across Europe, where EU farmers voiced their concerns about stringent European regulations and trade agreements that disadvantage them against cheaper foreign produce flooding EU markets.


Local Man Says Pastor Cured Blood Loss & Hemmorrhoids

Local Man Says Pastor Cured Blood Loss & Hemmorrhoids
Feb 16 2024 Share

In a video uploaded to TikTok on River of Love Malta’s official account, a man claimed that the head pastor’s prayer cured blood loss associated with hemmorrhoids. 

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The man said that he had been praying for healing but the cure came when he attended a River of Love mass, claiming that Pastor Gordon Manche ‘sensed’ that someone in the pulpit was suffering from blood loss.

After the statement, Jesmond  Falzon said that he felt a great heat within him and he immediately believed in his healing and was instantly cured of his ailment. 

Falzon is asked by Manche himself, recording the video, whether this was a daily problem for him, to which he responded with a ‘yes’ and that it was increasing. 

He now intends to show his doctor as he undergoes tests, saying that he is ready to leave the doctor baffled at his miracle cure. 


Man On Scooter Walks Horse On Maltese Street

Man On Scooter Walks Horse On Maltese Street
Feb 16 2024 Share

A video sent to this newsroom shows a man on a scooter walking a horse whilst making his way across a Maltese street.


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The video, sent in by Giorgio Micallef, shows the man on a scooter as he is filmed through a vehicle window.

The man has a horse on a leash and is quickly making his way outside of the Marsa Park n Ride. 


Source: Giorgio Micallef