PN candidate makes up for all wasted paper during election by planting trees

PN candidate makes up for all wasted paper during election by planting trees
Mar 7 2022 Share

A new candidate running with the Nationalist Party, Joseph Grech, has took it upon himself to be a beacon of sustainability and environmental awareness during the campaign. 

Grech pledged to send only one leaflet made of recycled material throughout the entirety of the electoral race to the home of his constituents. 

But the young Opposition candidate went several steps further as he pledged to plant more trees in Mosta and Attard to make up for all the paper used throughout the election campaign currently unfolding. 

Posting to social media, the candidate spoke about the environmental impact during the electoral race, saying that for him and the Nationalist Party, Malta’s natural element is one of the pillars of their politics. 

‘In order for the people of Malta to believe in the importance of the environment, I believe it has to be us politicians to be the ones to make the first step towards sustaining it’ he said.

A video accompanying the initiative showed Grech hard at work planting trees as he explained his eco-friendly principles. He highlighted how Bernard Grech’s administration has plans for afforestation and open spaces amongst others to elevate the environment to a more important value on the island. 


Photo Source: Joseph Grech FB

Local artist changing fashion industry with paper and recyclable designs

Local artists changing fashion industry with paper and recyclable designs
Mar 7 2022 Share

James Dimech is revolutionising the fashion industry with his unique, and environmentally friendly, approach by using paper to create fascinating clothing items. 


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Dimech uses recycled material to create his pieces, something that makes him feel much more satisfied when coming up with his peculiar but artistic designs. 


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His work was picked up by the likes of the Eurovision Song Contest, as the talent was recognised by the international festival due to its distinctive look and material. 


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Dimech’s work is made up of differently shaped and folded paper and other items such as straws, all carved in the most geometrical shapes one could think of. 

The work looks rightly out of this world, making it not just wearable but eccentric and captivating for all, not just those involved in the world of art. His work also goes beyond the world of fashion, creating set designs and other pieces appropriate to whatever is needed.


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As the fashion industry as a whole moves towards more sustainability in its products, Dimech is paving the way right here in Malta and going beyond its shores. And Dimech is proving that you can be crazy creative when doing so as well!


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Two year anniversary of COVID-19’s first case in Malta – the history so far

Two year anniversary of COVID-19’s first case in Malta - the history so far
Mar 7 2022 Share

It has officially been two full years ever since the COVID-19 pandemic made its way to Maltese shores, kicking off 24 months of restrictions and wishing a return to normality. COVID-19 arrived in Malta on the 7th of March 2020 after initially being a mysterious new virus we only heard rumours of as it ravaged Wuhan, China. 

Upon the first case being registered on the island, the health authorities, lead by Health Minister Chris Fearne and Superintendent for Public Health Charmaine Gauci, kicked off their first press conference, which became a weekly occurrence. Numbers rocketed from then on, taking dips when measures were introduced and later on when the vaccination rollout entered the scene. These two years were characterised by easing and re-establishing of measures as well as a general public frustration. 

Back in December of 2021, Malta registered the highest number of cases at 1298, right at the peak of the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. However, the situations since then saw much improvement, with health authorities attributing this mostly to the vaccination program.

Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne took to social media to commemorate the two year anniversary of the pandemic in Malta. He paid respects to all those who were sadly lost to COVID, with the number reaching up to 608 as of yesterday. 

However, Fearne said that these two years show the true strength of the Maltese community and government as they all rose to the occasion to mitigate the spread, death and suffering inflicted by the virus. He highlighted how this achievement was recognised by the entire world’s health authorities. 

‘With discipline and often difficult decisions, we pushed Malta back towards normality. I am proud to have been part of this success’ said the health minister. The battle against COVID-19 in Malta, and the whole world, is far from over however. As restrictions get eased through the exit strategy, Malta currently has 870 cases, but only 45 of those are in hospital. 1,245,686 doses of the vaccine have been administered, 344,534 being booster doses. 


Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB

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€1,023,097 raised in donations for Labour Party ahead of election

€1,023,097 raised in donations for Labour Party ahead of election
Mar 7 2022 Share

The Labour Party managed to raise a total of €1,023,097 in donations during a fundraiser ahead of the election. With the slogan Malta Flimkien, the amount was raised as the electoral campaign enters the third week ahead of the 26th March voting day. 

Robert Abela thanked the donators for their support on his social media as he continues to attend political rallies. 

On February 27th, the Nationalist Party raised up to €541,230 in a similar fundraiser.
