
PN Cancels All Activities Out Of Respect For Karl Gouder

PN Cancels All Activities Out Of Respect For Karl Gouder
Sep 10 2024 Share

The Nationalist Party (PN) has announced that, as a mark of respect and mourning for the passing of Karl Gouder, Chief Operating Officer of NET Media, all planned activities will be cancelled until this Sunday.

PN Leader Bernard Grech personally conveyed his condolences to Gouder’s family earlier today, expressing his sorrow on behalf of both the party and himself. Grech paid tribute to Gouder as a personal friend and a dedicated leader who held various key roles within the PN and its media outlets.

Gouder will be remembered for his integrity and his constant drive to help others. His leadership in every role he undertook was defined by his pursuit of positive change and fairness. From a young age, Gouder was involved in multiple roles within student organisations, the country, and the PN, not seeking recognition but being encouraged by those who saw his potential.

His career highlights include serving as Mayor of St. Julian’s, a PN Member of Parliament, Chief Operations Officer of NET Media, and most recently, Campaign Manager for the European Parliament and Local Council elections in June.

At this difficult time, the PN’s thoughts are with Karl Gouder’s family. NET Television will air a special program in his memory at 5:30pm today.


Selena Gomez Reveals She is Unable To Carry Her Own Children

Sep 10 2024 Share

Selena Gomez shared in an interview with “Vanity Fair” that she is unable to carry her own children, describing it as something she has had to “grieve.” She mentioned that she wishes to have children and is considering surrogacy or adoption.

The singer and actress has previously been open about her diagnosis with the autoimmune disease lupus, a chronic illness in which the immune system attacks its own tissues. In 2017, Gomez revealed that she had undergone a kidney transplant due to complications from the disease.

She has also spoken candidly about living with bipolar disorder, which was highlighted in her documentary “My Mind and Me”. In 2022, she revealed that the medication she takes for the disorder may prevent her from having a safe pregnancy.


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Australia Says It Will Ban Minors From Using Social Media

Australia Says It Will Ban Minors From Using Social Media
Sep 10 2024 Share

Australia’s Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, has announced plans to introduce legislation banning younger teenagers and children from accessing social media. The proposed minimum age for social media use is expected to be between 14 and 16, with the bill set to be introduced by late 2024. This follows a $6.5 million age verification trial funded in May’s budget.

Albanese cited growing parental concerns over the negative effects of platforms like TikTok and Instagram on young people’s physical and mental health. “Parents want their kids off their phones and on the footy field,” he said, signaling the need for action.

However, the effectiveness and enforceability of the ban remain in question. A review by former High Court chief justice Robert French acknowledged potential workarounds, such as VPN usage, and concerns about privacy from mandatory ID collection. Previous international efforts to implement age restrictions, like in the UK and the US, faced significant technical and privacy challenges.

Critics, like digital communication expert Daniel Angus, argue the ban could harm young people by excluding them from meaningful online interactions, while failing to improve the content on social platforms. The legislation’s potential enforcement and long-term impact remain under scrutiny.


Vigil To Be Held In Gozo For Karl Gouder

Vigil To Be Held In Gozo For Karl Gouder
Sep 10 2024 Share

Taking to social media, Nationalist MP Alex Borg announced that a vigil will be held in Gozo for the late Karl Gouder, whose passing was announced this morning.

‘Friends, Karl gave a lot to the party and, above all, the country’, wrote Borg.

‘I think that today, as brothers and sisters who all always found Karl, should pay our due with a small gesture.’

‘I am therefore inviting Nationalist Party activists and all those of good will to Gozo to organise and pay tribute to him’.

The vigil is set for 7pm tonight in front of the Nationalist Party club in Rabat, Gozo. Attendees are invited to bring a candle.
