
PM Robert Abela Gives An Update On The Electricity Situation

Jul 27 2023 Share

The Prime Minister claimed that the Government is sensitive to what is going on and wants to dialogue as much as it works to provide solutions. During an interview on ONE Radio, Robert Abela said that since 2013, the Labour Party in Government has strengthened the supply of electricity and claimed that if this had not happened our country would not have had sufficient supply of electricity.

Robert Abela mentioned how a Government plan of €90 million is currently underway, to which another €70 million will also be added, coming from the European Union’s plan, REPowerEU., in favour of further strengthening the system. He mentioned that in the last year and a half 66 new substations were built and pointed out that in the electoral manifesto there is a proposal that 200 substations will be built in this legislature. Works are also underway on distribution centres.

The Prime Minister said that now is the moment to speed up this plan.


Almost Two Full Weeks Of Power Cuts In Malta

Jul 27 2023 Share

Malta is getting close to closing off its second week of power cuts in various localities across the islands as Enemalta continues to work to restore the power and fix the faults developing mainly due to the heat wave induced demands.

‘Several Enemalta engineers and technicians are currently deployed to different locations to continue the repair work on the remaining cable faults, damaged by the heatwave that hit southern Europe during the past week and a half’, explained Enemalta in one of its latest press releases. 

‘Currently, work is currently underway on nine underground high voltage cable faults. This work is currently in progress in Luqa, Marsa, Żejtun, Ħamrun, Kalkara and Żabbar, amongst other localities.’ 

‘By Wednesday afternoon, more than 73% of all cables impacted by the heatwave’s 40-plus temperatures were repaired and re-energised. Works will continue incessantly until the network’s flexibility and resilience are re-established, enabling Enemalta to respond to any other network difficulties in shorter timeframes.’

The power cuts have led to many calling out the government and demanding for compensation, with protests being organised. Have you continued to experience power cuts?


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Heat Wave Leading To More Mater Dei Emergency Patients

Heat Wave Leading To More Mater Dei Emergency Patients
Jul 27 2023 Share

An official statement by the health authorities has revealed that, due to the intense heat wave currently hitting the Maltese islands, an increasing number of people are visiting the Mater Dei emergency section. 

The Hospital Administration has announced that it decided to suspend some of the elective and non-urgent operations scheduled for today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday). 

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The patients impacted by the postponements will be given new appointments, with the health authorities re-issuing their appeal for the public to take the necessary precautions to defend against heat induced health issues. 

The health authorities had issued a list of signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion, along with a set of measures one can take and a list of the most vulnerable. 


Malta’s President Expresses Support To Greece Amidst Wildfires

Malta's President Expresses Support To Greece Amidst Wildfires
Jul 27 2023 Share

President of Malta George Vella called the President of Greece H.E. Katerina Sakellaropoulou to convey his support and sympathy as Greece combats devastating wildfires. 

Unveiling the news on social media, the President referred in particular to the death of two airmen following the crash of a firefighting aircraft on the island of Evia. 

The President expressed her gratitude for the assistance provided to Greek authorities by Malta’s Civil Protection Department. We also shared our concerns at the severe impact that extreme temperatures, as a result of climate change, are having on the Mediterranean region.

Malta’s Civil Protection Department deployed a cohort of 20 officers to aid in the raging forest fires, sharing images of their ongoing support in the EU Civil protection & Humanitarian Aid mission. 
