
PM Announces Inquiry into Jean-Paul Sofia’s Death Amidst Growing Protests

Jul 17 2023 Share

In a turn of events, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced an inquiry into the tragic death of Jean-Paul Sofia.

The unexpected press conference, held just an hour before a massive crowd was set to gather outside Kastilja in protest, caught everyone off guard.

Thousands were expected to assemble for a poignant vigil, organised by the grieving mother of the construction victim, at 8pm. However, at approximately 7pm, Prime Minister Abela made the surprising announcement of the impending inquiry.

The new government’s stance comes five days after 40 Labour MPs voted against a motion for a public inquiry, which was proposed by the Nationalist Party.

That initial decision sparked outrage around the country,

Today also saw the emergence of high-profile voices supporting the inquiry. Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and former president Marie Louise Coleiro Preca have both come out in favour  of investigating the circumstances surrounding Jean-Paul Sofia’s tragedy.

With the call for justice echoing through the nation, Prime Minister Abela has now changed his primary decision, and a Public Inquiry will be taking place, whilst the Magisterial Inquiry is still ongoing.

Robert Abela met Jean Paul’s parent at his office in Castille to inform them of the new development. Upon exiting the meeting, the parents did not comment.

The meeting with Isabelle Bonnici and John Sofia took place after Robert Abela met his parliamentary group at the Labour headquarters in Hamrun.

Abela had resisted calls for a public inquiry, whilst insisting that the magisterial inquiry will bring justice.


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Isabelle Bonnici With Tribute For Mohammed

Isabelle Bonnici With Tribute For Mohammed
Jul 17 2023 Share

Following the news of the passing of Mohammed Kasem Hashem Alkhateeb, who suffered injuries whilst working on a construction site last week, Jean Paul Sofia’s mother Isabelle Bonnici took to social media to leave a tribute for the loss. 

‘Another youth lost’, wrote Isabelle. ‘I wonder how his mother, father and all who loved him feel. I can understand them because we suffered the worst pain a mother can go through.’ 

‘This is the 30th victim in four years and shows that we go nowhere with frivolous talking. We now move from words to action in the name of love’, she wrote, in reference to the vigil being held today in front of Auberge De Castille in Valletta. 

‘Love has strength over everything because it gives you the courage to work for others’ loved ones as if they were your own’. 

She explained how only a public inquiry will be able to investigate the system which is leaving people in such pain. Thanking all those who are supporting her in the cause, she called for everyone to unite under ‘one colour love so that we can have safer workplaces and no more of our children are lost.’


Extension For Jean Paul Sofia Magisterial Inquiry Requested

Extension For Jean Paul Sofia Magisterial Inquiry Requested
Jul 17 2023 Share

The magistrate overseeing the investigation into the death of Jean Paul Sofia during a construction accident has requested another extension to complete her report.

This request has reportedly angered the government, leading to discussions about possible options, including a parallel investigation. 

Prime Minister Robert Abela has called for an urgent parliamentary group meeting to address the matter.

Magistrate Marse-Ann Farrugia submitted the extension request to the Attorney General’s office, nearly eight months after the fatal accident occurred. This marks the sixth such request, as the law requires the magistrate to seek an extension every 30 days until the inquiry is concluded.

Government sources indicate that the Prime Minister’s office was displeased upon learning about the extension request. They are considering potential actions, including the option of a parallel investigation. 

Jean Paul Sofia’s mother has been advocating for a public inquiry, but a recent opposition motion calling for it was defeated.

There is mounting pressure on Magistrate Farrugia to complete her inquiry promptly so that the police can act based on its recommendations. Prime Minister Abela has repeatedly emphasized the need for a swift conclusion to the inquiry. However, it is not uncommon for magisterial inquiries to take longer than expected, especially when technical expertise is required.

The number of pending magisterial inquiries in Malta is substantial, with some cases dating back to 1979. The delays in resolving these inquiries have raised concerns about the efficiency of the justice system.


Melting in Malta? Beat The Heat With These 5 Tips!

Jul 17 2023 Share

Frozen Treats!

When the summer heat starts scorching, what better way to beat it than with frozen delights? Treat yourself to ice cream, popsicles, or even homemade smoothies. Indulge in refreshing flavors like lemon, watermelon, or mint to cool down your body temperature and satisfy your taste buds. So, wave goodbye to the heat and say hello to a tasty frozen paradise!

Drink Water!

Don’t let the sizzling sun leave you feeling parched! Stay hydrated by sipping on cool beverages throughout the day. Opt for water, fresh fruit juices, or electrolyte-rich sports drinks to replenish the fluids you lose through sweating. To make it even more exciting, infuse your water with slices of citrus fruits or cucumbers for a burst of flavor. Remember, staying hydrated is the ultimate secret to surviving summer like a champ!

Seek Shade and Dress Light!

As the temperature soars, it’s essential to protect yourself from the scorching rays of the sun. Whenever possible, seek shade under trees, awnings, or umbrellas to give your body a break from direct sunlight. Additionally, dress in loose, breathable clothing made from lightweight fabrics such as cotton or linen. Keep those UV rays at bay and let your skin breathe!

Make Your Home a Haven!

Your home should be an oasis from the summer heat. To keep it cool, draw the curtains or blinds during the day to prevent the sun’s rays from turning your space into a sauna. Consider using fans or air conditioning units to circulate fresh air and maintain a comfortable temperature indoors. And don’t forget to close off rooms that aren’t in use to concentrate the coolness where you need it most!

Dive into Pools and Beaches!

Embrace the summer season by taking a plunge into refreshing waters. Whether you have access to a swimming pool or live near the beach, make the most of it! Splashing around not only provides a fun escape but also keeps you cool and refreshed. Grab your swimsuit, slather on some sunscreen, and dive headfirst into a summer adventure!

Summer may be sizzling, but with these sensational tips, you’ll be able to beat the heat and make the most of the sunny days ahead. Stay cool, have fun, and enjoy everything this summertime has to offer!
