Pledge To Increase Investment In Gozo & Karin Grech Hospitals

Pledge To Increase Investment In Gozo & Karin Grech Hospitals
Oct 30 2023 Share

In the wake of the recent court decision to annul the Vitals/Steward contract, Malta’s Finance Minister, Clyde Caruana, has made a significant announcement during the first budget speech since the court’s decision.

The government is committing to bolster the investment in two crucial healthcare facilities, the Gozo General Hospital and the Karin Grech Hospital.

The investment slated for the next year is set at €75 million.

During this budget speech, Finance Minister Clyde Caruana did not delve into the details of the Vitals-Steward controversy, nor did he address the court’s findings. Instead, his focus was squarely on outlining the government’s vision for the future, with a significant emphasis on investing in and improving healthcare services.

The opposition’s stance, led by the Nationalist Party, has been clear in demanding the return of the money paid to Vitals/Steward. This stance was reinforced during a recent protest in Valletta, where Opposition Leader Bernard Grech and former leader Adrian Delia, among others, reiterated their concerns about the funds involved in the Vitals-Steward contract. Their argument revolves around the notion of ‘money stolen from the people’ and its potential alternative uses, which, according to them, could have greatly benefitted the Maltese population.


Student Stipends to be Increased by €64 Per Year

Student Stipends to be Increased by €64 Per Year
Oct 30 2023 Share

Students will benefit from an increase of €64 per year on their stipend, Finance Minister Clyde Caruana has revealed during this year’s Budget unveiling.

Stipends will be increasing pro-rata, amounting to €64 per year. The minister went on to state that the government will continue to increase stipends in particular courses to address the need for individuals who are trained in sectors which are crucial for Malta’s economic transition.

Earlier this year, it was announced that students reading for courses in Social Work, Earth Systems, Artificial Intelligence will receive a higher stipend starting this scholastic year. A total of 46 courses will be newly-categorised over a three-year period, benefitting over 4,400 students through an investment of €6.5 million.

Following the previous announcement, a number of student organisations had expressed their disapproval at the stipend increase, calling it continued disrespect for students studying the Arts and Humanities, which they considered to be ‘sidelined’.

This, and more, were revealed by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana as part of this year’s ‘Malta Ġusta’ Budget, a budget which Robert Abela referred to as a ‘holistic plan for a brighter future, improving the welfare of every citizen.’

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Minister Confirms Work On Race Track Will Begin Once Permits Approved

Minister Confirms Work On Race Track Will Begin Once Permits Approved
Oct 30 2023 Share

During the reading of Budget 2024, Minister Clyde Caruana confirmed that, once permits are approved, works on the much awaited race track will commence. 

The Minister said that the work for our country to have its own race track has continued, which saw not only the planning process carry on but also saw the relocation of certain activities with the aim to make space for the work to commence. 

Apart from this, the Minister also announced how the initial works began which will see indoor shooting ranges, as well as the increase in professional coaching and club management. 


Parents To Get €500 For First Child & €1000 For Every Other Child

Parents To Get €500 For First Child & €1000 For Every Other Child
Oct 30 2023 Share

In a recent announcement, the government has decided to provide a significant increase in the child bonus starting from next year, demonstrating its commitment to supporting families and encouraging population growth.

Starting with the first child, families will now receive €500 instead of the previous €400, and the bonus will increase to a substantial €1,000 for second or subsequent births in the family instead of the previous €400. This generous bonus is available for both natural and adoptive parents.

This bonus was initially introduced in 2020 to offer a helping hand to parents during the early years of their child’s life. Now, for the second time, the government is taking steps to enhance this support.
