Former European Parliament Labour Party candidate Clint Azzopardi Flores took to social media to highlight 12 problems he encountered people to be having during his campaign.
Among the social issues Azzopardi Flores pointed to were:
Y-Plates: ’No need for more elaboration’; POYC medicines that do not match the patients; The housing and social accommodation reform and high rent. ‘A lot of people are suffering and not keeping up with demands’; The thousands of foreigners who entered Malta as temping agencies became tourist agencies;
Means testing thresholds need expansion as people are not coping due to high cost of living; Campers: ‘thousands caught in a bind’; Hospital and orthopaedic operations as the elderly are waiting 5 to 6 years in pain;
Lands department is a ‘labyrinth’. People desperate to settle ground rent issues to avoid problems for their future children; The benefits which have stuck to the vulnerable, being asked for receipts that date back 7 years; Exaggerated fines on trappers.
The former candidate said that he is exhausted trying to help people on his own. ‘I still have 63 pending cases from 500 which I solved on my own’, concluded Azzopardi Flores, vowing to help the ‘little guy’.