
Pilot Project initiated for free distribution of menstrual products in Maltese schools

May 29 2023 Share

The Parliamentary Secretariat for Reforms and Equality Rebecca Buttigieg, has commenced a pilot project aimed at providing free menstrual products in schools across Malta and Gozo.

The first phase of the project involves an in-depth study of similar initiatives implemented in other countries.

This research will inform the selection of appropriate menstrual products and distribution methods based on the specific needs and realities of local schools.

Key stakeholders, including school management, teachers, and students, will actively participate in the analysis to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the requirements.

Following the completion of the research phase, a pilot project will be launched in a select number of schools.

This approach aims to refine and optimise the distribution process, ensuring its effectiveness and efficiency before expanding the program nationwide.

Rebecca Buttigieg, emphasised the project’s integral role in addressing gender inequality. Furthermore, the Parliamentary Secretary highlighted ongoing discussions aimed at reducing the value-added tax (VAT) on menstrual products, aligning with the government’s commitment to make these essential items more affordable and accessible.

Annalize Desira, Assistant Director in the Directorate of Human Rights, also participated in the conference, emphasising the importance of fostering an open mentality through educational campaigns. These initiatives aim to create an environment where women and girls feel comfortable seeking support and information about menstruation.


Unpredictable weather persists with 28°C temperatures & isolated showers this week

Unpredictable weather persists with 28°C temperatures & isolated showers this week
May 29 2023 Share

Malta’s stint of irregular weather conditions is set to continue this week, with temperatures to feel as hot as 29°C, with possible showers on Tuesday and isolated showers on Thursday.

According to Malta’s Met Office, temperatures are predicted to feel as hot as 29°C on Sunday, with partly cloudy weather to hit the Maltese islands on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Monday is predicted to remain sunny, with possible showers forecasted on Tuesday and isolated showers on Thursday.

According to local weather page ‘It-Temp Madwarna’, a dominant anticyclone will persist close to Ireland and the United Kingdom, with stable weather conditions in that region with bad weather over Libya for the first half of the week.


Munxar Mayor responds to firework incidents and calls for unity and respect

May 29 2023 Share

Damien Spiteri Highlights the Importance of Observing the Law and Addresses Misconceptions

Munxar Mayor Damien Spiteri has addressed recent firework incidents that occurred over the past weekend, responding to comments made by various individuals, including Ta’ Sannat Mayor Philip Vella. Spiteri emphasised the significance of safeguarding residents’ safety while clarifying certain misconceptions surrounding the events. In his statement, Spiteri underscored the need for discussion, compromise, and adherence to the law when resolving disagreements.

One of the primary points made by Mayor Spiteri was the adherence to legal permits for burning aerial fireworks. He reassured the public that all permits were obtained lawfully and meticulously inspected by the police. Spiteri emphasised the importance of following the proper protocols and regulations in such matters.

However, Spiteri also highlighted incidents where individuals breached the designated closed areas during the firework displays. On at least two occasions, individuals without permits entered restricted areas when public access was strictly prohibited, as outlined in the permits. These unauthorised intrusions, Spiteri noted, were instigated by certain individuals who seemed intent on disrupting the event.

Further provocations occurred during the displays, as floodlights at the Ta’ Sannat football ground were turned on, intentionally obstructing the visual experience. Spiteri condemned this act, emphasising that the access to the area had been closed for security reasons, making such interference unnecessary and abusive.

Spiteri also mentioned another group of people who disregarded safety protocols and entered the fields, offending and intimidating the firework crew while the display was in progress. These individuals not only breached the closed access area but also endangered themselves by entering the vicinity where the fireworks were burning.

Moreover, Spiteri drew attention to an unsanctioned BBQ event organised in Ta’ Sannat, which took place just a few meters away from the firework display. This activity was not covered by any police permit, and Spiteri criticised the irresponsible behavior of those who organised it without proper authorisation, particularly due to its proximity to the fireworks. He further noted that attempts were made to exploit this unauthorised gathering to hinder the lawful burning of fireworks.

Spiteri took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the fire brigade and the police for diligently following the law and ensuring the safety and well-being of all attendees. He called upon the community to observe the law with respect and goodwill, stressing the importance of unity in the face of intimidation and division.


“Din ma naħmiliex saħta man” Minister Bartolo apologises after parliament microphone incident

"Din ma naħmiliex saħta man" Minister Bartolo apologises after parliament microphone incident
May 29 2023 Share

A video taken from parliament is currently making the rounds online showing Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo make a snide remark towards PN MP Rebekah Borg, unknowing that his microphone was still on.

After the speaker gave the floor to the Nationalist Party MP for a supplementary question, Bartolo passed a comment to his colleague next to him saying “God her… I can’t stand her one bit.”

Borg went on to make her supplementary question, but went on to address the minister’s comment via Facebook video, captioned “you forgot to turn off your microphone Minister Clayton Bartolo.” She went on to question whether this is appropriate language from a Parliamentary Minister, when it is her duty to ask questions such as this.

Speaking to Malta Daily, the Minister has reportedly since issued an apology to Borg via email.
