Pharmacies open today from 9 am till noon

Pharmacies opening today 9am until 12pm and 4pm until 7pm
Nov 21 2021 Share

Here are the pharmacies opening today from 9 am till noon.

Valletta: Chemimart City Gate Pharmacy, City Gate;

Qormi: St George’s Pharmacy, 21, Main Street;

Sliema: Chemimart Pharmacy, 4,5,6, il-Piazzetta Tower Road;

Birkirkara: St Anne Pharmacy, 24, Misrah Sant’ Elena;

Msida: Regional Pharmacy, E. H. Furse Street;

Vittoriosa: Vittoriosa Pharmacy, 9, Mina l-Kbira Street;

Zebbug: Spizerija Hal Mula, Dun Salv Ciappara Street; 

Rabat: Nova Pharmacy, 142, College Street;

Hamrun: The Cross Pharmacy, 859, St Joseph High Road;

Zabbar: St Peter Pharmacy, Sebbelika Street;

Zejtun: Gerada Pharmacy, 146, Mater Boni Consillii Street; 

Mqabba: Remedies Pharmacy, 5, St Catherine Street;

St Julians: Retail Outlet, Level 0, 135, Central Business Centre, Spinola Bay;

Iklin: Iklin Pharmacy, Geronimo Abos Street;

Mosta: Sghajtar Pharmacy, Saghtjar Street;

Qawra: El Medina Chemist, Maskli Street;

Paola: Fleming Pharmacy, 61, Zabbar Road; 

Malta International Airport: The ‘8 Till Late Pharmacy open everyday from 8 am to 10pm 

Gozo: 9am till noon

Victoria: Tac-Cawla Pharmacy, 7 ta’ Gunju 1919 Street; 

Xewkija: Gozo Chemists, Mgarr Road


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Kim Kardashian & Pete Davidson are actually dating and everyone is losing it

Nov 20 2021 Share

In one of the most unlikely romances of 2021, it seems like Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson are actually dating.

The Daily Mail recently shared a few photos of the TV star and comedian holding hands in Palm Springs, California and, while not being something of complete certainty, it does fall in line with the wave of speculation surrounding the couple in recent months.

Kardashian and Davidson were first linked romantically in a Saturday Night Live sketch, where the even shared an on-screen kiss while acting the scene.


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They were later seen holding hands on a rollercoaster in California and while Kardashian had stated that they were just friends and people shouldn’t read into it, their most recent photo with matching outfits posted by Flavor Flav suggests otherwise.


For 85 minutes, VP Kamala Harris became the President of the United States

For 85 minutes, VP Kamala Harris became the President of the United States
Nov 20 2021 Share

President Joe Biden transferred presidential power to Harris during a one hour and 25 minute routine colonoscopy which required anesthesia, making Harris acting president for the duration of the routine.

It is standard procedure for presidents to transfer their power to vice presidents during medical routines which require anesthesia. 79-year-old President Biden submitted a formal letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont to notify the House of Representatives.

The Unite States’ first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president continues to break barriers during her tenure at the White House.


No one stands on a ledge “for attention”

No one stands on a ledge "for attention"
Nov 20 2021 Share

The Alliance for Mental Health has expressed its deep concern and disturbance with the behaviour of certain individuals in the video shared by Times of Malta of a distressed individual who was considering taking his own life.

The organisation told Malta Daily that the general public must be educated that anyone on any ‘ledge’ is to be listened to, heard and helped and they are not there to garner attention.

Being in a state of extreme distress requires sensitivity for one to prevent it and any suicide attempt is to be dealt with the utmost care and respect because every life matters. A4MH went on to thank the police and emergency services for their hard work and commitment towards suicide prevention.


Photo Source: Times of Malta