
PETA calls for women to go on a sex strike against meat-eating men ‘to save the world’

Sep 23 2022 Share

Global animal welfare organisation PETA has called on every woman to go on a sex strike against meat-eating men in order to convince them to switch to a plant-based diet.

According to The Telegraph, PETA said that the strike can also help to end ‘toxic masculinity’ and ultimately ‘save the world’. Daniel Cox a member of PETA Germany, stated that men need to wake up and ‘smell the tofu.’

The German branch of Peta pointed to research last year from scientific journal Plos One, which showed that men caused 41% more pollution than women because they eat more meat. The group then went as far as to say that such “toxic masculinity” required enforced chastity and even a ban on having children.

However PETA’s calls for a sex ban has come under fire, with many calling the proposal sexist.

Conservative MP Alicia Kearns had this to say about the idea to Radio Station LBC: “It just feeds in to all the worst narratives of the ’90s that women use sex, it’s not something they enjoy, that they should use it as a tool against men.” and “It’s also incredibly focused on straight relationships.”

In Germany, a bratwurst seller had this to say: “I’m speechless, completely shocked by this statement. I sell bratwurst professionally and more women than men come to me.”



The Queen’s funeral had less viewers than Princess Diana’s funeral

The Queen's funeral had less viewers than Princess Diana's funeral according to estimates
Sep 23 2022 Share

In a shocking turn of events, It is being estimated that Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral actually clocked in less viewers than that of Princess Diana back in 1997.

Many predicted that the late monarch’s funeral would be the most-watched broadcast in British television history.

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The actual viewing figures did beat out last year’s massive Euro 2020 final held in Wembley which saw English hearts broken once again over another penalty shootout.

According to the Broadcasters Audience Research Board, around 26 million British people tuned in to see the Queen’s funeral service take place at Westminster Abby.

But Princess Diana’s influence in the USA is clear as day as back in the nineties, around 33 million Americans watched the funeral whilst only 11.4 million watched Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.

The margin of viewers between the two funerals was closer in the UK however as Princess Diana’s funeral also comes on top as it had a total viewership of 32 million people.

This means that Diana’s funeral still remains the most-watched royal TV spectacle since records began in 1981, although it is not the most-watched broadcast in British history. That record goes to the 1966 World Cup final when England managed to beat West Germany in an epic match which was watched by 32.3 million people.


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Maltese beaches more crowded than average bays in Europe

Maltese beaches more crowded than average bays in Europe
Sep 23 2022 Share

According to a new study by the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA), Maltese beaches, like Comino’s Blue Lagoon and Golden Bay, are some of the most crowded in Europe. 

The report entitled ‘The Carrying Capacity Study for Tourism in the Maltese Islands’ by Deloitte, found that every visitor to Comino could only ‘enjoy’ just 0.8 square meters of space. 

This was not the peak tourism limit however, as the number would drop to a mere 0.5 when tourists and visitors start pouring in. With Blue Lagoon already in a worrying state, the situation is set to also worsen in other popular beaches. 

‘Peak beach density for Maltese beaches are estimated to exceed the average for Europe (6.8 persons per sqm per day). Blue Lagoon and Golden Bay appear to be under particular stress’ the report reads. 

Some of the top beaches which could see a worsening density per visitor ratio are Golden Bay, Mellieha Bay and even Gozo’s Ramla Bay. 

Beaches are not the only areas facing such an issue, as the report claims that certain historic sites and tourism zones could reach peak visitor density rates. This could see the situation worsen in the same way Venice experienced. 

Recently, demonstrations were held on Comino by activist group Moviment Graffiti, who protested against the takeover of the island by deckchair operators, aiding this increasing overload. 


Ryanair adds 5 brand new routes to Malta

Ryanair adds 5 brand new routes to Malta
Sep 23 2022 Share

Airline Ryanair is to add five brand new routes to Malta, linking the Malta International Airport to 55 other airports by March. 

The new destinations are: Bordeaux in France, Bournemouth in the south of England, Lisbon in Portugal, Shannon in Ireland and Stockholm in Sweden.

Speaking during a media conference, Ryanair’s Chief Executive Michael O’Leary stated that the market has made a great recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The five new destinations have been selected as the demand saw an increase in passengers wanting to come to Malta. 

Addressing the pressures imposed by the Ukraine and Russia war, O’Leary said that the company strongly considers the European proposal for an environment-related increase in tax. It said it will still remain committed to providing the public the best service at the lowest rates possible. 
