
People with pets instead of kids show selfishness says Pope Francis

People with pets instead of kids show selfishness says Pope Francis
Jan 6 2022 Share

Pope Francis said on Wednesday that people who substitute having kids by having pets show a certain level of selfishness. 

He was speaking on parenthood during a Vatican general audience where he lamented about pets sometimes taking the place of children. 

He said that ‘today we see a form of selfishness. We see that some people do not to have a child. Sometimes they have one and that’s it, but they have dogs and cats that take the place of children.’

‘This may make people laugh but it is a reality’ the Church leader said. ‘This practice is a denial of fatherhood and motherhood and diminishes us, takes away our humanity.’ 

Pope Francis is not known to have a pet at his Vatican residence, unlike his predecessor Benedict XVI who was an avid cat lover. 

Addressing the statement, Italy’s International Organisation for the Protection of Animals (OIPA) said that it was ‘evident that for Francis, animal life is less important than human life. But those who feel that life is saved love life beyond species.’ 

This isn’t the first time Pope Francis expressed this opinion, having said in 2014 that having kids is very hard and relationships with animals is much easier. He also previously said that the developing world is experiencing a demographic winter. 


Here’s why Peppi Azzopardi would vote PN during the next election

Here’s why Peppi Azzopardi would vote PN during the next election
Jan 6 2022 Share

Speaking on MaltaDaily’s new show ‘The Interview with Fabian Demicoli’, Xarabank host Peppi Azzopardi endorsed the Opposition and stated why he would vote Nationalist. 

Endorsing the Opposition Party just ahead of this year’s general election, for which no date has yet been revealed, Azzopardi said that the 36,000 vote majority of the PL needs to drastically decrease. 

He said that people should vote for the Nationalist Party because the Labour Party needs to have their majority decease and thus make them realise that they cannot ‘do whatever they wish’. He expressed that he still has leftist views but he would not vote Labour because, for him, they are no longer what the Labour should be. 

Azzopardi also said that when one reads all the stories concerning resignations by Labour MPs, one starts to realise what the mentality within the party is like. He said that the corruption that was enacted by a small group within the party has caused immense global damage just because they believed they could do anything. 

He said that since PL will still take government following the next election, people should vote for PN so that the margin isn’t as drastic. Azzopardi also revealed that he would vote PN because he likes voting for the underdog and, according to him, the Nationalist Party currently occupies that position. 


Peppi Azzopardi would contest with Nationalist Party if he entered politics

Peppi Azzopardi would contest with Nationalist Party if he entered politics
Jan 6 2022 Share

Speaking on MaltaDaily’s new show ‘The Interview with Fabian Demicoli’, Xarabank host Peppi Azzopardi said that he would contest the general election with the Nationalist Party were he to enter the political race. 

When asked by Demicoli, the Xarabank host said that were he to run for politics he would contest with the Nationalist Party and serve the remainder of his life in politics. 

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However, he said that he wants to take this decision collectively with his family. Despite his son supporting the decision, his wife does not and thus he refrains from doing so. 

He opened up about previous decisions he took, saying that he usually took decisions without checking with those close around him and later realised he pulled them into a very tricky situation. He said this decision needs to be taken with his family in mind. 

His wife Mandy still does not support the decision, with Peppi revealing her frustration of her husband entering new politically charged situations. He also revealed that entering into politics involves a lot of work and even threats. 


Calls for action against Mosta priest for homophobic post by ministers and activists

Calls for action against Mosta priest for homophobic post
Jan 6 2022 Share

Activists and even ministers have been urging police to take action against Fr David Muscat, a Mosta priest who is no stranger to controversy, for hate speech following Paulina Dembska’s murder. The post was focused on prime suspect Abner Aquilina, with the priest saying that the possibility that he was gay or bisexual would be worse than him being sick or possessed. 

Both Inclusivity Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli and Equality Minister Owen Bonnici addressed the issue as having crossed a line. Farrugia herself revealed in a Facebook post that she had asked the police to investigate and act against Fr Muscat for his homophobic comments. 

‘There are clear laws in our country’ said Farrugia. ‘I will never accept that a person is insulted for their sexuality.’ Speaking on One TV’s Piazza programme, Minister Bonnici said that a line has been crossed and that he contacted authorities to take the necessary decisions. 

Archbishop Charles Scicluna was also asked to address the hate speech Muscat incited. The call was supported by the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) alongside other organisations and individuals. MGRM also revealed that they have written four emails to the bishops about Fr David and that no action has been taken. 

‘This is the level of hate speech our community faces without consequences’ they said in a post as other individuals supported the call. 


Photo Source: MaltaStory, Julia Farrugia Portelli FB, Owen Bonnici FB, MGRM FB