
People gather outside Parliament for a ‘candlelight vigil of hope’

Dec 8 2022 Share

Following Sunday’s protest against the proposed abortion bill, people gathered outside Parliament stating that “abortion is not the will of the people of Malta.”

The crowd that gathered in-front of Parliament lit candles as “a gesture of solidarity towards the babies that will be put at risk with the introduction of abortion in Malta.”

A petition urging the Government to reconsider, has gathered over 25,000 signatures. People signing are appealing to the Government to take on board the proposals made by the multi-disciplinary group of 81 professionals, 44 organizations, and 450 doctors.

This was another initiative of the ‘Inti Tista’ Ssalvani’ campaign driven by the ‘coalition for Life’ made up of the ‘Life Network Foundation’, ‘Doctors for Life’ and ‘I See Life’.

They are urging the Government to abandon its plans to introduce abortion.


An extensive marine biodiversity photographic exhibition launched for Maltese Schools

Dec 8 2022 Share

The Interreg Italia-Malta SEA MARVEL project is sharing its research photographic outputs in a unique educational photographic exhibition for the benefit of Maltese schools.

60 students actively participated and learned about sea life found around the Maltese Islands – from the smallest organisms found in shallow coastal waters to the largest whales found offshore.

This SEA MARVEL workshop allowed students to discover more about marine biodiversity with expert researchers. Through this event, students have learned what sea life holds and how it may be studied, admired, and safeguarded.

SEA MARVEL exhibits a selection of endemic, vulnerable species & alien species – It showcases the marvellous diversity of species that often go ignored. The exhibition comprises 20 large stand-up posters composed of a collage of photos, and each poster has additional information accessible online through a QR code.

The roving exhibition is now available for schools in Malta and Gozo to host. The exhibits are an excellent resource for schools to valorise our marine life and its conservation. In addition, it is an eye-opener to how serious issues benefit from scientific innovation and research—encouraging these students to pursue a career in STEM. 

The SEA MARVEL educational events and resource sharing are possible through the support of the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes and the various schools welcoming them. The Malta scientific team, taking care of this exhibition is led by Prof Adriana Vella, Conservation Biology Research Group, the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Malta with the support of Dr Joseph Vella, Dept of Computer Information Systems, Faculty of ICT, University of Malta and other members of the Conservation Biology Research Group. 

Two Romanians plead not guilty to the murder of Joseff Rivas

Dec 8 2022 Share

In court, Romanians Ionut Iulian Tanase and Dan-Andrei Tanase, pleaded not guilty to the murder of Joseff Rivas.

Rivas was stabbed after an argument relating to organised crime in prostitution.

In court, Police Inspector Kurt Zahra, said that CCTV showed three men being approached by another three men – before a commotion that led to the murder.

The third man, is currently in hospital but is expected to face similar charges in the coming hours.

The victim was identified as a “High-Value Target” by international intelligence services.


France bans short-haul flights in an attempt to combat climate change

France bans short-haul flights in an attempt to combat climate change
Dec 7 2022 Share

The European Union has just given the green light to France’s plan to ban short-haul flights in an attempt to combat climate change.

This refers to transfers between locations where an alternative train route is available and takes 2.5 hours or less. The law was first suggested back in 2021 as part of France’s Climate Law, to the disdain of the Union of French Airports (UAF) and the European branch of the Airports Council International (ACI Europe), who contested it.

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The measure in question will only affect Paris Orly-Nantes, Lyon and Bordeaux and will remain valid for three years before being revisited by the European Commission.

French Transport Minister Clément Beaune called the decision a “big step forward” in the country’s efforts to decrease greenhouse gas emissions while others have called it a “small step” in the right direction.

The country is also pursuing measures which limit private jet use, trips which contribute far more to pollution per passenger compared to commercial planes.
