As the hospital’s morgue lift currently undergoes upgrades, patients and workers were shocked when corpses wrapped in body bags were found lining an underground corridor. The elevator which connects the hospital’s wards to a tunnel running between hospital and morgue is currently out of service, making the -3 Level tunnel accessible only via this lift. Times of Malta was informed that this practice is only being carried out until the lift is changed, with the corpses only being left there until they are picked up by ambulance and taken to the mortuary.
One source counted five corpses left at a single instance, but the Health Ministry confirmed to the newsroom that the deceased patients were being taken to Level -2 until the lift was fixed. She denied reports of corpses being left unattended, saying that all corpses are taken care of by trained personnel. The work on the mortuary lift was reportedly ‘practically completed’ and are expected to be back in operation this week, aiming to have them more energy efficient.
Photo Source: The Mirror, Wikipedia