
Passenger refused to wear mask on Malta – Catania flight, causing plane to turn back

Jan 11 2021 Share

A flight leaving from Malta, destination Catania had to turn back after a passenger refused to wear a mask. The passenger was arrested upon landing.

Freya Angeolova Moutafova, a 24-year-old Italian national resident in Bulgaria, was on a flight from Malta to Catania at 6 AM and got into an argument with a crew member who asked her to wear a mask on board the plane.

She was immediately taken to court and Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech sentenced her to a six-month jail term.


PM Robert Abela celebrates one year as Prime Minister; intends to spend the week close to the community

Jan 11 2021 Share

Robert Abela is celebrating his first year as a Prime Minister.

In a message he uploaded on social media he said that;

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

As a means of celebration, he will be spending the week close to the community, both where people live and where people work.


Malta Rabbit Club saves three rabbits within first few days of 2021

Jan 11 2021 Share

The Malta Rabbit Club has saved three rabbits just as 2021 starts to unfold.

With the help of the civilians who found the rabbits, The Malta Rabbit club has already started to treat three rabbits for the conditions they were rescued with.

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The Malta Rabbit Club urges people to stop abandoning rabbits outdoors and to exercise responsibility.


Maltese makeup artist exceeds 500,000 followers on Tiktok

Jan 11 2021 Share

Henry Galea is a mega-talented, Maltese makeup artist and hundreds of thousands of people are now following him on Tiktok.

Henry creates some insanely extravagant makeup looks and they look amazing! His looks take shape in a bizarre form and he’s most definitely talented and on point!
