
Parking bays for e-scooters to be implemented in Malta

Parking bays for e-scooters to be implemented in Malta
Oct 16 2022 Share

Speaking on TVM program Insights, Infrastructure and Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia revealed that parking bays for e-scooters will be implemented on the island to address the issues surrounding the haphazard use of the vehicles. 

The Minister revealed that those found breaking the law related to driving and parking the scooters will be fined to further regulate the use of the alternative transport. 

Farrugia said that this is a phenomenon being faced in other countries and not just Malta. Yet, we should not be condemning the use of scooters as they offer an alternative to cars and more traditional means. 

However, regulation should be still implemented and the island is set to move towards establishing parking bays for the vehicles and thus making it safer for everyone on the road or on pavements. 

The Minister said that the current law concerning such alternative transportation is already well established in Malta but simply needs updating to adapt to the changing state of our roads as new options are welcomed. 

Scooters and the haphazard parking of said scooters were posing a problem for various commuters on the Maltese islands. Many have called for further regulation, and it seems as though Malta might in fact be heading down that road. 


Could Malta become the next Dubai? Land reclamation discussion ongoing

Could Malta become the next Dubai? Land reclamation discussion ongoing
Oct 16 2022 Share

Could Malta transform into a Mediterranean version of Dubai? The government is currently considering four diverse projects related to land reclamation in various areas of the island. 

The projects are related to industry, trade and family reclamation, Infrastructure Minister Aaron Farrugia revealed when asked during TVM program Insights. 

The Minister said that the government is currently not only exploring these three areas but also a legal framework which could eventually lead to them being carried out. 

Before such a project is carried out, the need for an environment impact study is crucial, said the Minister, who previously held the position of Environmental Minister. 

Farrugia made reference to two studies being carried out under two different administrations whereby six sites were identified for potential  land reclamation. He said such projects will permit the recovery of unused land as well as ease the construction waste issue the island currently faces. 


Marsa mayor rekindles memories with old tal-linja photos

Marsa mayor rekindles memories with old tal-linja photos
Oct 16 2022 Share

Taking to social media, Marsa mayor Josef Azzopardi shared some snapshots of old local buses, known as tal-linja, and rekindled some fond memories for many living on the island. 

‘Nostalgia’ he said to begin his reminiscing post. ‘When was the last time you boarded an old bus such as this?’ 

‘To tell you the truth I was looking forward to board one once more, to hear the engine roaring and the bell dinging’. 

He went on to announce that the public will have the opportunity to board these relics on Sunday 16th October at 1300, 1400, 1500 and 1715hrs from in front of the Marsa Trinity church. The tour will drive passengers around Marsa as members of the History and Culture Society recount stories related to the historical buildings of Marsa. 

This could be a wonderful opportunity for all, whether people already familiar with these buses to unlock some deeply stored memories or those who have never set foot on these buses to get a feel as to what it was like.


How it happened: 16th October 2017

How it happened: 16th October 2017
Oct 16 2022 Share

Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated on this day five years ago outside her home in Bidnija. The murder that continues to haunt the island to this very day occurred on the 16th of October 2017 when the journalist was driving her leased Peugeot 108 near her home.

A car bomb had been placed in the vehicle and, upon exploding, killed the journalist instantly and left the car in several pieces in nearby fields. 

Daphne’s son, Matthew Caruana Galizia, reported how he rushed outside and found his ‘mother’s body parts all around [him].’ The Caruana Galizia home had not been under police guard since 2010, except during elections. 

Her family went on to criticise Maltese authorities for doing nothing against a growing culture of impunity, with calls for resignation against the then Prime Minister Joseph Muscat also surfacing. 

The Prime Minister condemned the attack, despite calls for resignation. Other condolences also came from Archbishop Charles Scicluna, President Marie Louise Coleiro and even Pope Francis, who said that he was praying for Malta. 

Joseph Muscat later revealed that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation was also asked to help in the police investigation, with a police forensic investigation tam from th Netherlands also helping out. 

Following the assassination, Maltese businessman Yorgen Fenech was agreed on the 20th of November 2019 in connection with the murder. On February 23rd 2021, Vince Muscat, was sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to the murder of the journalist. 

On Friday 14th October, two days before the 5th year anniversary, Alfred and George Degiorgio reversed their not-guilty plea in regards to the assassination of the journalist. They have just received a 40 year prison sentence after admitting to the killing. 
