Public opinion was quite drastically divided by a Facebook post uploaded by a Paola parish church social media page requesting that dogs be locked in another room during priestly blessings.
The post requested that during house visits by the priest, one is ‘kindly requested to keep [one’s] dog under control. [One] is to keep the dog in another room and not leave him roaming about the house as other wise the priest will not enter.’
The post was met with considerable backlash but also comments defending the status. In opposition to the post, people requested the priest perform the ritual outside whilst others questioned if the parish priest was afraid of dogs.
Another rhetorically asked whether or not a dog is God’s creation as well. In response to such comments, some pointed out that the post was simply asking for prudence and that some comments were outright rude and unnecessary.
The official parish page later pinned a comment, revealing that an incident had already occurred wherein one of the volunteers was bitten during the blessings. ‘Prudence asks that such incidents are avoided.’