
Paris sets 30 kph speed limit in bid to reduce pollution

Paris sets 30 kph speed limit in bid to reduce pollution
Sep 1 2021 Share

Authorities in the French capital Paris are forcing drivers to slow down whilst driving as they set a speed limit on almost all of the city’s roads at 30 kilometres per hour. This was done in a bid to reduce pollution but questions were immediately raised as to whether this will work. Some critics actually point out that it will worsen the city’s rush hour traffic jams and thus increase greenhouse gas emissions. 

Authorities are also getting rid of 60,000 of Paris’ 144,000 parking spaces on public roads to ‘make them more accessible to everyone’ but also dissuade drivers from taking vehicles into the city. With sidewalks being widened and cycle lans to be installed, 59% of the city’s resident were in favour of the new limit which are into effect on Monday.

Opposition to the limit was however much higher in the wider Île-de-France region at 61%. Delivery drivers were most annoyed with the limit, as time was of the essence for them and thus a 30kph limit affects their work directly. Parisian Deputy Mayor David Belliard told BFMTV that the hope for the limit was to put more people off driving altogether and encourage more walking, public transport and bike usage. 


Photo Source: Tip Savvvy, CNN

5 myths about buying a home in Malta which aren’t true

Sep 1 2021 Share

Buying a home seems like one of the most intimidating tasks of adulthood and in between filing paperwork, managing finances and finding the right home, it’s easy to hesitate in the face of such obstacles… but it doesn’t have to be. First-time buyers and return property-seekers will rejoice at the fact that securing a home loan is as easy as ever and MeDirect are here to make sure of that.

Malta’s first digital bank does not only offer super competitive rates and minimised costs, but peace of mind with the fact that the bank’s professional advisors will be with you ever step of the way. When purchasing a property, having the right mindset is half the battle and that’s why you should know about these 5 myths about buying a home in Malta which aren’t true:


Myth #1: It’s complicated

MeDirect’s straight-to-the-point plans and tailor-made digital service mean that you won’t get lost in the details. The bank allows you to submit your documentation via email and the MeDirect mobile app gives you access to your accounts anytime and everywhere.

If that wasn’t enough, home loan advisors are always just a call away to make sure that your questions are always answered.


Myth #2: The process will take ages

MeDirect are there to help you every step of the way. Bank representatives will get back to you as quickly as possible to answer any queries you may have and even your sanction letter will be approved within a matter of weeks! That’s why securing a loan has never been so easy.

You can even plan ahead of time and estimate your loan repayments and maximum loan amount with the MeDirect handy home loan calculator which is freely available on their website.


Myth #3: You’ll drown in extra fees

Rest assured that extra fees are the least of your worries when getting your home loan. MeDirect is very transparent and are not charging any processing fees or bank legal fees. On top of that MeDirect are also giving a partial refund of the notarial costs incurred.

Taking your mind off so many hidden costs and fees will allow you to focus on more important issues and allows you to think critically when approaching your loan and ultimately, your home.


Myth #4: The interest rates are a killer

Interest rates can be complex and at times, it may be challenging to calculate the true cost of your home loan.

Thankfully MeDirect’s rates are straightforward – one can either opt for a Fixed Rate (for the first 3 years starting from the contract date) at a negotiable 1.75% interest rate with a variable rate of 2.85% thereafter or else go for Variable Rate only which is in the range of 2.65% to 2.75% depending on the loan requested compared to the property’s value.


Myth #5: Planning will consume all of your time

With MeDirect being Malta’s first digital bank, time consuming tasks like the calculation of loans, access & submission of documentation, as well as, any consultation meetings can be conducted online. In addition to saving a lot of your time and hassle, the bank’s quick response time will ensure a steady communication and an efficient experience.

See? Approaching a home loan doesn’t have to be the most difficult thing in the world, and when you are working with professional advisors who are available to assist at any time, buying a home could be much easier than you think.

Tag someone who needs to see this.

Whether you want to buy your first home, refinance your current property or acquire a second residence, we’re here to…

Posted by MeDirect Bank Malta on Monday, 9 August 2021


MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, company registration number C34125, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371) and investment services under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370). MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Credit Institution under the Banking Act 1994. Applications are subject to the Bank’s lending criteria. Terms and conditions apply and are available on request.


Humanitarian initiative delivers pillows and sleeping bags to Lithuania

Humanitarian initiative delivers pillows and sleeping bags to Lithuania
Sep 1 2021 Share

The Civil Protection Department has travelled and donated a collection of pillows and sleeping bags to Lithuania as part of a humanitarian aid project. This was the fourth donation done by the department in the past few months as earlier this year, face shields were donated to Nepal, antigen tests to Tunisia and a number of COVID-19 vaccine doses and antigen tests to Libya. 

The donation of sleeping bags and pillows arrived in Lithuania last Tuesday through a special and direct flight organised specifically for this aim. This voyage was done with the full support of the Ministry for Home Affairs, National Security and Law Enforcement and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The Malta International Airport and AirMalta also aided and supported this voyage. 

The initiative was done through the collaboration of the EU mechanism DG ECHO and ERCC (Emergency Response Coordination Centre). The donation cost amounted to over €57,000, of which €25,000 will be paid through the aforementioned mechanism. 

The General Director of the Civil Protection Department Emanuel Psaila sated that the department invested more than €800,000 just last year for apparatus and other equipment to aid in humanitarian initiatives. This also serves as a backup in case any humanitarian crises hit any country. He encouraged more humanitarian work to occur in order to seal connections of this type between various countries. 


Photo Source: Civil Protection Department Communications

Characteristics of a manipulator | by Ed’s Common Sense

Characteristics of a manipulator | by Ed's Common Sense
Sep 1 2021 Share

They always get what they want with minimal effort and at a great price to others.


They are constantly able to reinvent themselves as long as others do the dirty work.


They spend a lot of their time making sure their needs are met.


They love to control others as long as no one tries to control them.


They will never do you a favour unless there is some personal secondary gain for them.


They are extremely good talkers and persuasive in nature.


They meticulously study what other people’s weakness are so that they can take full advantage of them.


They can be very dramatic and expect others to be at their beck and call.

