
Parents in Wales could face 5 years in jail for smacking kids

Parents in Wales could face 5 years in jail for smacking kids
Apr 23 2022 Share

A new change in the law in Wales concerning the hitting of children could see parents receiving a jail sentence of up to five years if convicted. 

Back in 2020, Scotland banned a defence argument parents can use in relation to the physical punishment of kids. It seems Wales has followed, putting the ban in place just last month.

While Children’s Commissioner for England Dame Rachel de Souza spoke out in support of the ban being imposed in England, others have critiqued the move on various bases. 

De Souza told Times Radio that she absolutely abhors the physical punching of young people. ‘Because children are more vulnerable than adults, I think we do need to ensure that their rights are supported.’ 

The law in England encompasses other protections for children, but if the parent only causes the child a ‘transient or trifling injury’, there is a reasonable punishment defence parents can use. However, the conviction of the parent depends on the court. 

The issue has been, suffice to say, polarising. Some people were quick to point that a light smack on thee arm from a parent is not child abuse. ‘We trust parents to discipline their children, when necessary, in the way they think is right’ some were pointing out. 

Others highlighted how it is much better to sit down and communicate with a child about their behaviour. NSPCC Head of Policy Joanna Barrett said that children are some of the most vulnerable members of our society and deserve more, not less, protection from violence than adults. 


18-year-old Golden Retriever looking for home after owner passed away

18-year-old Golden Retriever looking for home after owner passed away
Apr 23 2022 Share

Animal Welfare Gozo released a statement outlining the story of Sheila, an 18-year-old Golden Retriever whose owner just sadly passed away.

The dog, who lived all her life with her owner, seemingly cannot understand why he has not returned home. The welfare group revealed that Sheila has been sitting loyally and crying behind the door awaiting the return of her owner. 

‘Considering her age, taking her into a kennel would be too traumatic for her to handle’ said the group. They also revealed that she has no known medical conditions despite not yet visited by the vets.

‘She is a very loving and caring dog that would just enjoy being in the company of people. Let’s help Sheila go through this with less trauma as possible’ said the group. 

The post received much attention as many people answered the call to find the heart-broken retriever a forever home. You can help Sheila by sharing the post or even by offering a home to the wonderful golden retriever! 


70% of 13 to 25 year olds report feelings of anxiety says Richmond Foundation

70% of 13 to 25 year olds report feelings of anxiety says Richmond Foundation
Apr 23 2022 Share

According to findings from a Barometer Research of Youth Mental Health, around 70% of people aged between 13 and 25 years have reported feelings of anxiety. 

The findings were revealed during a press conference by the Richmond Foundation, an organisation which provides mental health care services. 

Representatives highlighted how the demand for its services by young people increased by well over 1000 over the past two years. Services to other age groups also doubled during the last two years. 

In response to the demand, the foundation revealed that it has prepared educational material for young persons through an ESF funded project. It will also target training for parents and professionals working with youth with mental health issues. 

A fund raising campaign was also launched by the foundation, which will enable it to reach more people experiencing mental health challenges. The president of Malta, George Vella, gave a speech at the event, reiterating the importance of mental health prevention in youth. 

Due to the demand for the service increasing drastically, the Foundation said that financial help is essential as free professional services incurs several costs. Several spokespersons highlighted the importance of such services given the demands. 

Other topics such as national mental health services, the importance of the environment inn elation to mental health as well as the reluctance by many to seek assistance. 

WATCH: Claudia Faniello performs with sign language during Muzika Muzika

Claudia Faniello performs with sign language during Muzika Muzika
Apr 23 2022 Share

Performing during the competition Mużika Mużika, local singer and songwriter Claudia Faniello incorporated sign language into her performance of ‘Ġmielek’. 


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The singer described it as an unforgettable moment from her performance, thanking Rita Portelli who helped her make a dream of hers come true – which was to sing whilst using sign language.

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The inclusive move from Faniello gave a wider range of audiences who would otherwise not had the possibility of listening to her song to understand the lyrics. The song, with lyrics written by Joe Julian and music composed by Philip Vella, addresses themes of love and acceptance, working well with Faniello’s approach. 

Faniello will be performing ‘Ġmielek’ once again tonight after managing to pass to the finals. She will be going up against numerous talented singers and artists for this year’s edition of the acclaimed competition. 
