The iconic black-and-white panda has been taken off the endangered list by officials in China. The bear was placed on the vulnerable list, which is at least slightly better than endangered. With panda population reaching 1,800 in the wild, they were originally reclassified as vulnerable back in 2016 by the International Union for Conversation of Nature (IUCN). This was met with backlash from Chinese officials who argued that this would lead people to believe that efforts to help increase panda population could be relaxed when it still required further conversation effort.
Work was done to expand natural habitats and repopulating bamboo forests, along with captive breeding methods performed by zoos. The animal is considered a national treasure in China, with head of the Ministry of Ecology and Environemtn’s Department of Nature and Ecology Conservation in China Cui Shuhong stating that this improvement shows the country’s efforts in keeping their habitats integrated.
Photo Source: KDnuggets