Owen Leuellen And Destiny Have Dropped ‘Juice’

Jul 16 2023 Share


Prepare yourselves for a musical match made in heaven, because two extraordinary talents have joined forces to create an unforgettable sonic experience.

Owen Leuellen and Destiny, who continue to grow in their popularity after being coaches on The Voice Kids Malta, have teamed up to release their scorching hot track ‘Juice’. Brace yourselves, because this dynamic duo is about to take the airwaves by storm!

This tantalising collaboration is a fresh and vibrant summer anthem that will have you pumping up the volume and dancing to the beat like there’s no tomorrow.

Alongside the highly anticipated release on all radio stations, the talented duo is treating us to a visually stunning music video. Renowned director Steven Levi Vella, known for his creative genius, and DOP Victor Abela, who has an impressive repertoire of music videos under his belt, have joined forces to bring ‘Juice’ to life.

Owen couldn’t contain his excitement about this collaboration, sharing, “We were friends a long time ago, but since we’ve been on The Voice together as coaches, we’ve discovered a newfound buzz between us that we’ve never experienced before. So we thought, why not give the island something to remember for a long time?”

Destiny, couldn’t contain her gratitude and excitement for working with Owen. “I don’t know where to start,” she gushed. “Owen and I have always had a genuine friendship. We love being around each other and supporting one another. But after The Voice Kids, we shared something deeper and more special. We instantly thought about collaborating together. This is just the beginning, and I’m pretty sure we’ll have much more music coming your way in the future.”

Destiny’s heartfelt words are a testament to the incredible bond and camaraderie that fuels this collaboration. Not only do these two possess immense talent, but their genuine friendship and support for each other shine through, making ‘Juice’ all the more special.


MET Office Predicts Malta’s Hottest Week of the Year

Jul 16 2023 Share

The MET Office predicts that we’ll be basking in glorious “Hot and Sunny” conditions from Monday to Saturday.

According to the MET Office, the mercury is set to skyrocket, with the highest temperature soaring to a sizzling 39 degrees Celsius. Yes, you read that right – It’s time to crank up those fans, stock up on ice cream, and find every available source of shade, because the heat will be relentless.

And if 39 degrees weren’t enough to make you sweat, the MET Office warns that the real-feel temperature will reach a searing 40 degrees Celsius. That’s right, the heat will be cranked up to maximum, making it feel even hotter, especially for those brave souls venturing out into the sunshine.

The lowest temperature during this fiery week is expected to be a balmy 27 degrees Celsius. Forget about blankets and cozy pyjamas – you’ll be seeking refuge in front of your fans, desperately trying to catch a cool breeze throughout the night.

While it’s essential to enjoy the glorious sunshine, it’s crucial to stay hydrated and take precautions to beat the heat. Remember to seek shade, drink plenty of water, and wear loose, light clothing to help keep cool. Heatstroke is no joke, so let’s take care of ourselves and each other during this scorching extravaganza.

Stay cool, Malta!

Photo Source: Malta MET Office


1,039 Sexually Transmitted Infections In 2022

1,039 Sexually Transmitted Infections In 2022
Jul 15 2023 Share

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, Chris Fearne, provided this information during his parliamentary address in response to a query raised by Opposition MP Graziella Attard Previ regarding the number of sexually transmitted infections reported.

Minister Fearne disclosed that the highest number of cases, 300 in total, were related to Chlamydia, followed by 232 cases of Gonorrhoea and 137 cases of Scabies. 

Additionally, there were 132 cases of Syphilis, 102 cases of HIV, 53 cases of Hepatitis C, 50 cases of Hepatitis B, and 33 cases of Monkeypox.

In relation to the upcoming parties being organized in Malta, MP Attard Previ inquired about any plans to provide the Monkeypox vaccine to high-risk groups. 

Minister Fearne responded that the Monkeypox vaccine will be administered to individuals who have tested positive for HIV and will also be offered to the contacts of confirmed cases.


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U Grades For 25% Of Maths & Maltese O-Level Students

U Grades For 25% Of Maths & Maltese O-Level Students
Jul 15 2023 Share

The recently published statistics by MATSEC for the May session of Maltese and Maths O-level exams have unveiled that approximately 24.8% of students received an ‘unclassified’ (U) grade. 

Among subjects with 699 students or more, Environmental Studies stood out with the highest percentage of U grades, where 32.5% of students received a U grade after excluding absentees, representing a significant increase from 21.5% in the previous year. 

Physics ranked as the second-worst performing subject, with a U grade rate of 28.9% among attending students. Furthermore, 24.8% of students who took the Mathematics and Maltese exams were awarded a U grade, with 877 students in Physics, 872 in Maltese, and 976 in Mathematics receiving this grade.

While the U grade rates increased in all major subjects except Biology and French compared to the previous May session in 2022, French exhibited the lowest percentage of U grades among the analyzed subjects, with only 5.8% (down from 12.8% in 2022). 

Conversely, Biology remained one of the subjects with poor performance, with 27.4% of students receiving a U grade (down from 28.3%).

The General Statistics Report from MATSEC revealed that Accounting had the highest absenteeism rate across both main sessions, increasing from 12.3% to 13.8% over the past year. However, absenteeism rates decreased in 7 out of the 13 subjects, including English Language, Environmental Studies, French, Italian, Maltese, Mathematics, and Religion.

According to the data, a total of 5,077 students participated in the May examination session to obtain their O-Levels. The statistics shed light on the performance and trends in these examinations, emphasizing the areas of concern and the need for targeted improvements to ensure better outcomes for students.
