
Over €190,783 Raised For Maltese Hospital In Ghana

Over €190,783 Raised For Maltese Hospital In Ghana
Aug 28 2023 Share

After a 12 hour marathon on Sunday 27th August organised by Hopexchange, over €190,783 were raised to help build and expand a Maltese hospital in Ghana. 

The marathon was held after a group of Maltese youth visited Ghana to visit the hospital built by the Ghana Mission Foundation, which ensures that many mothers in the country are able to safely give birth to their children, amongst many other medical interventions and assistance.

Led by MaltaDaily’s Keane Cutajar alongside Megan May Caruana and their group of personalities who travelled to the West African country – Amy Borg, Kevin Paul Calleja, Daniel Umanah and Victor Abela – the monetary target set for the marathon was surpassed by the end of the day. 

The Maltese once again contributed to the philanthropic effort to help those in need, with children and many other adult Ghanaians benefitting from this wonderful initiative. 


More Dolphins Spotted Off St Paul’s Bay

More Dolphins Spotted Off St Paul's Bay
Aug 28 2023 Share

More dolphins have been spotted in Maltese waters as a video sent to this newsroom shows a couple of the much beloved marine mammals swimming off the coast of St Paul’s Bay. 


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Dolphin sightings in Malta during summer are very common, with most of those who spot them delighting in their energetic response as they pick up the pace with the vessels. 

Have you spotted any dolphins in Malta this year?


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Meet Em, The Rescued Three Flipper Turtle

Meet Em, The Rescued Three Flipper Turtle
Aug 27 2023 Share

Nature Trust – FEE Malta introduced us to Em, a turtle with just three flippers who arrived at the rehabilitation centre back in June of 2021.

The juvenile loggerhead had an ingested hook stuck in the intestines and a badly entangled front flipper. Due to the cuts the flipper sustained by the entangled debris, infections took over, leading to unfortunate necessity of the flipper having to be amputated. 

‘After months of medication, treatment, therapy and training by rehab volunteers, Em is now ready to go’, wrote the NGO. 

‘As we try to Satellite track every amputated turtle in order to monitor its progress during the first months, Em now needs your help so we may collect the € 5000 required to purchase a tracker.’ 

‘Donations any CRS support are always welcome and can be sent by bank transfer or Revolut transfer on our Wildlife IBAN MT18 VALL 2201 3000 0000 4002 353 8289 , Swift code VALLMTMT.’


Outdoor Catering’s Issue With Feeding Wasps And Insects

Outdoor Catering’s Issue With Feeding Wasps And Insects
Aug 27 2023 Share

Arnold Sciberras, the Exterminator, showed one of the issues the outdoor catering industry is currently facing as Hymenoptera feed on sugars in soft drink machines.

Hymenoptera is a large taxonomical order which comprises sawflies, wasps, bees and ants. The video shows all manner of wasp and bee invading soft drink machines to feed on sugars. 

‘It’s basically impossible to function this way’, wrote the exterminator. Those who are facing such issues are encouraged to contact professionals to be able to deal with such a situation and keep business running.


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