Over 75% of Malta’s 112 emergency calls were invalid or fake, minister reveals

Over 75% of Malta's 112 emergency calls were invalid or fake, minister reveals
Feb 11 2022 Share

In a recent address by Minister for Home Affairs Byron Camilleri, it was revealed that more than three our of every four calls to emergency line 112 were either invalid or fake.

The minister revealed how the emergency hotline received close to 340,000 calls in 2021, with 260,000 of them either being for another entity or being “deliberately abusive.” While the 112 line is manned by the Malta Police Force, the issues presented during the calls are handled between the police, army, civil protection and ambulance service.

Camilleri urged the public not to misuse the emergency hotline as it takes up time from those truly in need. At a recent presentation outside the Zabbar primary school on European 112 day, school children were given a demonstration on such responses, with Camilleri and Education Minister Clifton Grima revealing that around 83,000 genuine calls were made in 2021, with the most common request being for paramedics and ambulances.


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Ira Losco shares importance of recycled clothing in latest snap of daughter Gigi

Ira Losco shares importance of recycled clothing in latest snap of daughter Gigi
Feb 11 2022 Share

Whilst we are more accustomed to Ira Losco judging songs and performances on X Factor Malta, the local songstress’ latest Facebook post revealed her two cents on the importance of recycled clothing, especially amongst children.

On the feast St. Paul’s Shipwreck, Losco shared two photos of her youngest child, Gigi, highlighting that her daughter was wearing hand-me-downs from a close friend’s daughter. The ‘Hey Now’ singer went on to say that hand-me-downs are not only pretty, most times children do not get to wear pieces for more than half a season.

In a comment on the same post, Losco also said that she always wore hand-me-downs and loves it, accentuating the fact that some items never lose fashion and they become something completely new by upstyling, along with being completely economical. The post has since garnered over 3.7k likes and 360 comments.

Do you share Ira Losco’s sentiments?


Local photographer captures gorgeous photo of Etna eruption on St. Paul’s

Local photographer captures gorgeous photo of Etna eruption on St. Paul's
Feb 11 2022 Share

As various St. Paul’s Shipwreck festivities came to a close on Thursday, esteemed local photographer Daniel Cilia managed to capture a glimpse of the final instance of ‘fireworks’ in his latest work.

One of the photographer’s most recent works shows the statue of St. Paul on his island, seemingly ‘watching over the grandiose ‘fireworks’ display regaled to us by tonight’s eruption of Her Majesty Etna’. The photographer revealed that the picture was snapped from St. Paul’s Bypass Belvedere at exactly 21:48:18.

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This is not the first time that Cilia managed to capture enchanting photos of Mt. Etna from Malta, with one of his most recent snaps going viral after capturing an eye-candy snap of the active volcano from Binġemma with Selmun Castle in the foreground.

While Sicily can be seen by the naked eye in certain conditions, a photographer’s eye, paired with some stellar lens work will immortalise the sights, much like Cilia does nowadays.

Have you ever seen Daniel Cilia’s work?


FKNK condemns ‘shameful’ acts of vandalism at L-Ahrax tal-Mellieha

FKNK condemns 'shameful' acts of vandalism at L-Ahrax tal-Mellieha
Feb 11 2022 Share

“Shameful – vandalism, damage, theft and waste in an FKNK reserve.” These were the first words of a length post published by hunters federation FKNK (Federazzjoni Kaccaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti) after the discovery of a woefully vandalised area in Mellieha’s Tal-Ahrax reserve.

Photos posted by FKNK show that acts included vandalism, ‘vindicative’ damages, theft of signs and leaving behind of waste. The post also stated that such acts have been occurring on a regular basis during weekends, and regularly in FKNK reserves like L-Aħrax and Miżieb, more notably during the past 36 years of management by the organisation. It went on to highlight how this is a clear sign of the public’s easy access to such reserves, as opposed to others which are managed by other entities and NGOs and are normally blocked off by chains and gates.

The FKNK has appealed to the concerned authorities to appoint the Conservation Officers agreed upon by the MoU and FKNK to carry executive responsibility and erect new signs, CCTV cameras, bollards and gates, going on to appeal to the Police for further surveillance on such areas, especially during the weekends.

What do you make of this?


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