In a recent address by Minister for Home Affairs Byron Camilleri, it was revealed that more than three our of every four calls to emergency line 112 were either invalid or fake.
The minister revealed how the emergency hotline received close to 340,000 calls in 2021, with 260,000 of them either being for another entity or being “deliberately abusive.” While the 112 line is manned by the Malta Police Force, the issues presented during the calls are handled between the police, army, civil protection and ambulance service.

Camilleri urged the public not to misuse the emergency hotline as it takes up time from those truly in need. At a recent presentation outside the Zabbar primary school on European 112 day, school children were given a demonstration on such responses, with Camilleri and Education Minister Clifton Grima revealing that around 83,000 genuine calls were made in 2021, with the most common request being for paramedics and ambulances.