Over 4,000 Turtles Rescued From Trafficking In Peru

Over 4,000 Turtles Rescued From Trafficking In Peru
Dec 22 2023 Share

Peruvian authorities have confiscated approximately 4,000 turtles originating from the Amazon region at the nation’s primary international airport, as revealed by the National Forestry and Wildlife Service on Thursday. 

The interception occurred at the Jorge Chavez airport, targeting a shipment intended for export to Indonesia.

The seized turtles included juvenile Arrau turtles, the largest river turtle in South America, and yellow-spotted river turtles, all housed in small transparent plastic containers within cardboard boxes. 

Both species fall under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora Appendix II, necessitating stringent monitoring and regulation of their trade. 

The yellow-spotted river turtle, ranked as vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, holds the status of the second largest freshwater turtle in the Amazon.

Highlighting the severity of the issue, Interpol estimates the black market for illegal wildlife products to be valued at up to $20 billion annually, contributing to the perilous decline of various species. 

CITES underscores the precarious situation faced by tortoises and turtles, labeling them as one of the most endangered animal groups globally.


A Windy Christmas Ahead

A Windy Christmas Ahead
Dec 21 2023 Share

According to weather reports, this year’s Christmas is expected to be extra windy. 

With isolated showers expected for these two days, strong winds are expected to start from the 23rd of December, with temperatures feeling like a low 16 degrees Celsius. 

So it’s the perfect excuse to cuddle up with your loved ones with a hot beverage and switch on Netflix. 


Weather forecasts have since issued strong wind warnings for the upcoming weekend, with wind force expected to reach even Force 8, possibly 9. 

The Meteorological Office issued a yellow wind warning which is expected to stay effect all weekend. Other Facebook weather pages have issued similar warnings, urging those going out especially around coastlines, to be very careful. 


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Social Housing For 11 Families In Qrendi

Social Housing For 11 Families In Qrendi
Dec 21 2023 Share

This year, four social housing projects were inaugurated, providing decent and dignified housing for 64 families in Qrendi with an investment of €1.5 million. The Minister for Social Accommodation and Affordable Housing, Roderick Galdes, inaugurated a new social housing project that is part of one of the largest social projects.

This social housing project, accommodating 11 families and also including 7 garages, is named after the late Joe Bartolo, better known as ‘is-Sloopy,’ an activist who dedicated his life to the housing sector. Minister Roderick Galdes highlighted that the inauguration of this project aligns with the four other projects inaugurated this year. He stated, “The opening of four social housing projects signifies that, in 2023, 64 families who were unable to access the property market have started building their future under decent and dignified roofs.” The Minister concluded by stating that more projects will be opened in the first quarter of the new year to accommodate more families.

The families moving into this social housing have been selected through the application and verification process, following the allocation strategy implemented in 2021.


A 12 Hour Marathon For Suffering Animals Suggested

A 12 Hour Marathon For Suffering Animals Suggested
Dec 21 2023 Share

Activist and athlete Fabio Spiteri took to social media to suggest the establishment of an ‘Istrina’ for animals?

‘There is a need for a 12 hour marathon on a TV station raising awareness on the suffering and abuse of animals which took this year as well as the dogs in shelters awaiting adoption.’

The post amassed 339 positive reactions, over 60 shares and almost 100 comments expressing support for the idea. 

The yearly Istrina raises money for kids and people battling cancer – an annual showcase of the Maltese population’s charitable nature. Would a similar initiative for animals in need work?
