Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima inaugurated the renovation of an outdoor gym in Ta’ Qali along with Sport Malta chairman Luciano Busuttil. The €61,000 investment will allow users of the exercising area to benefit from new and accessible machinery and equipment along with new flooring. The renovation also included a small ground which saw its floor and wood changed and the instalment of security cameras.
The Parliamentary Secretary stated that this investment will benefit families from all over Malta who make use of it. Having been uncared for for a number of years, the renovated gym will serve to bring communities together and also acts as an investment into the population’s health.
Apart from thanking SportMalta for the work, Grima also stated how further conversations between several councils are ongoing to make such facilities more accessible. SportMalta chairman Luciano Busuttil stated that the renovation is part of the mission SportMalta has undertaken to get the population being active.
Photo Source: Clifton Grima FB