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OPINION POST: Free the Kids.

Sep 24 2021 Share

Tomorrow, Friday 24, people are set to gather in Valletta to protest the current COVID-19 rule urging children to wear masks at school. The protest titled ‘Unmask school children’ will be a peaceful demonstration where attendees will walk silently and hold up placards “high for all to see”. The organiser of the event held that the event “is being organised strictly to safeguard our children who are unable to defend themselves against this tyranny”.

Realistically speaking, if someone deserves to get back to normality, it’s the children. While we have been seeing events of every shape or form all across Malta, children must go back to school in Malta’s less-than-pleasant temperature conditions wearing masks and it is the parents who must bear witness to their exhausted children after a hot day wearing a mask.

A few days ago, a petition was started calling for primary schoolchildren to be allowed to take off masks while seated, gaining over 1,500 signatures in one week. The parent who started the petition, Evicka Grech stated that masks do not only prevent children from communicating and understanding each other properly but presents a number of difficulties when teaching and learning phonics.

Studies also found that masks impair recognition of emotions, positive social interactions and ability of understanding and empathy. These concerning results beg the question, is it time to free the kids?


Costly Balluta stairs design scrapped after public outrage

Sep 24 2021 Share

After being shared publicly and subsequently receiving a wave of criticism with calls of overspending, the previous designs for the Balluta staircase have been scrapped. On Thursday, the St. Julian’s local council met and agree to issue a new tender for the stairs.

The €450,000 project received a barrage of negative comments for its outrageous costs, with viewing areas alone costing €117,500, a water cascade costing €104,000 and the re-construction of existing stairs costing a whopping €79,700.

The costly, now-scrapped design which created public outrage.

Amongst other changes, one of the most notable is that the costly water cascade is to be replaced with indigenous trees, while the €117,500 glass railings are to be replaced with iron railings. Mayor Albert Buttigieg also told Times of Malta that the water culvert will be placed at the top to collect rain water while some of the steps will be placed with classic Maltese tiles.

Buttigieg stated that while it is impossible to please everyone, he believes that the people will be happy with the new changes and as a council, they will not accept leaving the stars as they are.

Proposed new designs.

Do you prefer the new plans or the old ones?


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Here is the star-studded cast set to appear in 2022’s Super Mario Movie

Here is the star-studded cast set to appear in 2022's Super Mario Movie
Sep 24 2021 Share

After a brief foray into cinema in the 90s and a few cameos beyond the world of gaming, ‘Super Mario’ is finally getting an animated and the star-studded cast of A-list celebrities has got the internet going wild. The surprise announcement by Nintendo revealed Chris Pratt as the voice of the beloved Italian plumber.

Other notable castings include Charlie Day as Mario’s brother Luigi, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, Keegan-Michael Key as Toad, Jack Black as the villainous Bowser and the hilarious Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong.

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Naturally, this sent Twitter into a frenzy, with hundreds of people calling out whoever was responsible for not casting a single Italian in a movie about a pair of danger-prone Italian plumbers. Others were quick to share their disappointment in the fact that Robert DeNiro and Danny DeVito are not playing Mario and Luigi.

What do you think of this cast?


Maltese families to host migrants in their homes in rescue pilot project

Maltese families to host migrants at their homes in rescue pilot project
Sep 24 2021 Share

International humanitarian organisation Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) has launched a pilot project in which Maltese families may offer their homes to host refugees and asylums seekers in Malta.

Since its founding in 2013 by Maltese-based American philanthropist Christopher Catrambone and his Italian wife Regina, MOAS has provided humanitarian assistance to people in need smack bang in the middle of the Mediterranean migration crisis. Migrants are put into detention and subject to removal order, often facing subsequent financial instability and housing issues after leaving the detention centres.

MOAS’ Family Hosting pilot project has already seen a family with two children host a 21-year-old South Sudanese man for a number of months, where he is hosted and provided food in return for daily chores and volunteer work with the organisation.

Several Maltese citizens residents have already expressed their interest in hosting the refugees and supporting the organisation through sponsorships and housing solutions. MOAS reportedly draws inspiration from projects beyond our shores such as the “Refugee in my home” project from the Italian Caritas.

Would you host a refugee in your home?
