A recent study commissioned by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) highlights significant gender disparities in childcare responsibilities in Malta. The research, titled ‘Perceptions and Attitudes of Women and Men in Malta towards Work-Life Balance: With a Specific Focus on Family Size’, reveals that while nearly all participants agreed on equal sharing of childcare duties, only 1% of men reported taking the lead. Almost 47% of women stated they perform the majority of childcare tasks.
The findings are particularly concerning given Malta’s lowest fertility rate in the European Union. Nearly twice as many women (46.1%) as men (24.6%) reported that unequal family responsibilities influenced their decision to have children, exacerbating the fertility issue.
During a conference presenting the findings, Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg discussed government efforts to support families, including free childcare and paid carers’ leave. Shadow Minister Graziella Attard Previ stressed the need for stronger family leave policies.
NCPE Commissioner Ms. Renee Laiviera called for greater shared responsibility among men and women in family duties, while Prof. Anna Borg emphasized the impact of work-family conflict on fertility decisions. The NCPE will continue to integrate these insights into future policy initiatives.