Despite releasing a collection dedicated to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, fashion doll Barbie received heaps of criticism after not featuring an Asian Barbie in their collection. Toy company Mattel collaborated with International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Tokyo 2020 organisers to release the new doll line. The figures represent five new sports added to the Olympic program – baseball/softball, sport climbing, karate, skateboarding and surfing.
Despite the attempt to highlight inclusivity and innovation, the release was still slammed for the apparent absence of an Asian Barbie doll during its promotion last month. The criticism was heightened due to how Mattel could possibly forget to include a visibly Asian Barbie when the games took place in Tokyo. Diversified Barbie dolls have proven to be some of the most selling toys, with a Barbie modelled on tennis player Naomi Osaka selling out just hours after release.
Photo Source: South China Morning Post