
One year since Miriam Pace’s tragic death

Mar 2 2021 Share

On the 2nd of March 2020, Miriam Pace was killed when her residence collapsed with her still inside. Tributes are flooding onto social media, expressing their condolences and their disbelief at what happened, showing immense solidarity with her family. Her husband Carmel described this day as a sorrowful anniversary which, instead of celebrating, brings great sadness to him.


Posted by Carmel Pace on Monday, 1 March 2021


Social media also saw several tributes for Miriam. Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia records the loss by refraining from posting any political posts. Adrian Delia also highlighted the number of days that have passed since her death, stating how she was a woman who simply wanted to enjoy her family life.


Sena ilu tlifna mara. Tlifna omm. Tlifna lil Miriam Pace. L-ebda kliem ma hu bizzejjed biex isabbar lill-familja….

Posted by Aaron Farrugia on Monday, 1 March 2021


365 Daqshekk għaddew ġranet minn meta nqatlet Miriam Pace. Omm u mart li kull ma riedet tgawdi l-familja u tgħix ħajja…

Posted by Adrian Delia on Tuesday, 2 March 2021


Rest in Peace Miriam. Our condolences to the family.



Benna tease brand new limited edition flavour

Mar 2 2021 Share

Malta’s very own dairy brand Benna is back once again with a limited edition flavour which is yet to be announced and milk-lovers around Malta are going crazy at the possibilities.

Potential flavours include ‘pasta roża’, cherry and figolla flavour, amongst others, but the most popular response seems to be a luxurious red velvet flavour.

Taste the Temptation A New Limited Edition Flavour 😍 But what will it be? Can you guess?#benna #supportlocal #whatwillitbe #takeaguess

Posted by Benna (Malta Dairy Products Ltd.) on Monday, 1 March 2021

Whatever it may be, we can’t wait to get our fix of the latest Benna brand goodies.


‘Waves may be in the sea, but the octopus is on the ground.’

Mar 2 2021 Share

The protest which was organised by Manuel Delia, Repubblika and Occupy Justice outside Parliament worked around the pandemic restrictions by setting up socially distant and sanitised chairs so as to address the current restrictions.

The protesters also addressed Prime Minister Robert Abela’s remark of ‘waves in the sea’, a reference to a possible second wave hitting the country. Manuel Delia added on to the statement by stating ‘Waves may be in the sea but the octopus is on the ground.’ The octopus, a symbol utilised during the protest, signified the tentacles of corruption and cloud of ink that hides the corrupters.

Further reference was also made to Abela’s statements of how the institutions were working, with activist Louiselle Vassallo claiming that if that were true, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassins would not have spent over three years out of arrest.


Lady Gaga’s dog-walker to make full recovery

Mar 1 2021 Share

After being shot earlier this week, Ryan Fischer, Lady Gaga’s dog-walker, is said to make a full recovery. After trying to defend the pop-star’s French bulldogs, his family issued a statement thanking to all the first-responders, nurses and doctors who worked to care for the young man.

They also thanked Gaga for her support and asked that everyone kindly respect their family’s privacy as they focus on Ryan’s healing. Gaga has called a Fischer, as he loved her dogs like family, and is reportedly paying the hospital bills.
