A one-man protest was launched by a father against face masks in schools, asking parents to sign a massive poster with ‘Unmask the Kids’ written on it. He also sent in his children without masks on Tuesday.
The protester, by the name of Daniele Baraggioli, said that he is fed up of the double standards around COVID-19 health measures which force kids to mask up all day in school despite crowds at counting halls, rallies and even clubs.
Baraggioli protested outside the gates of San Gwann primary school on Wednesday morning. He also handed out surgical masks to show that the type of masks which children were wearing did not match public health guidelines.
He said that if kids are to still wear masks, they should wear proper ones, going on to take his kids to school on Wednesday with masks and pledging to remove them if he saw a child without a proper mask.
On Tuesday, his children were provided with masks by the school which said that it was supporting his cause. The protester purchased 250 of what he deemed to be right masks.
Baraggioli had warned that if these surgical masks were not used, he would have no choice but to report the school to the health authorities for failing to abide by guidelines.
He also intends to personally deliver the signed poster of ‘Unmask the Kids’ to the health ministry later on Wednesday. Currently, schoolchildren must wear face masks all day and can only remove them during physical activity and eating.
Masks should stop being mandatory after the Easter holidays. This also comes as Prime Minister Robert Abela promised to lift all COVID-19 measures following the election of Labour.