Norway imposes ban on hate speech against trans and bisexual people

Nov 12 2020 Share

The legislation of Norway has had laws in place which have prohibited hates speech against homosexual people since 1981, but the government of Norway has modified the penal code to protect trans and bisexual people as well. 

Norwegian Minister for Justice and Public Security, Monica Maeland stated that trans people are exposed in terms of discrimination and violence and it is of utmost importance to protect them from this discrimination. 

Individuals or groups found guilty of breaking can be fined or sentenced ax maximum of a year in prison for private comments and up to three years for public comments.


Bad Bunny will be part of Narcos: Mexico Season three

Nov 12 2020 Share

Following reports of its renewal, Netflix has revealed Narcos: Mexico’s third season will feature Puerto Rican rapper and singer Bad Bunny as a Narco Juniors gang member.

Bad Bunny will play as a one of the “rich, well connected kids from upper society who fell in with the cartel life for money, drugs and violence.”

This report substantiates Bad Bunny’s claims of filming in a Rolling Stone cover story in May.


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8 restrictions on child abusers imposed by Church’s safeguarding commission

Nov 12 2020 Share

Following the publishing of Malta’s Safeguarding Commission’s report for 2018 and 2019, it was revealed that the Church imposed restrictions on 8 people in relation to child abuse, amongst them Catholic priests.

Andrew Azopardi, the head of the Safeguarding Commission stated that these cases were passed on the the appropriate authorities.

He went on to highlight the Church’s proactive nature by reporting these cases the the police or social services so that they can be investigated. 

During the past two years, the commission revised certain safeguarding policies and will publish the report in the first months of 2021 following consultations with victims, patrons of Church services and other stakeholders and agencies.


Roberta Metsola elected as Vice-President of the European Parliament

Nov 12 2020 Share

Maltese MEP Roberta Metsola has officially been elected as the Vice-President of the European Parliament, the highest-ever role occupied by a Maltese representative. 

The role of VP is also the second-highest position in the European Parliament, previously occupied by Mairead McGuinness, who is now the European Commisioner for Financial Stability, Financial Service and Capital Markets Union. 

Metsola took to social media share what a great deal this means to the Maltese MEP and assures that she will do her utmost ‘to continue to build bridges’, signing off with ‘I will not let you down’.
