Non-profits can register to grow and sell cannabis as of February

Non-profits can register to grow and sell cannabis as of February
Dec 21 2022 Share

It was revealed during a press conference that non-profit organisations in Malta will be able to register for a license to grow and sell cannabis as of February 28th, 2023. 

Addressing the conference, Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms Rebecca Buttigieg said that the non-profits will be responsible from the seed stage to the selling point. 

Leading up to a convention set to be held on the 27th of January 2023, the ARUC will be working to establish standards needed for the non-profits which concern everything from packaging, labelling and quality. 

Non-profit organisations are being encouraged to attend the convention and to establish frameworks and regular meetings with the cannabis authority to ensure safety of use. 

A research sector will be established with departments to make sure that the organisations are operating within the law. 


We might get the World Cup every three years instead of four

We might get the World Cup every three years instead of four
Dec 21 2022 Share

FIFA have floated the idea of staging the men’s World Cup every three years as football’s governing body revisits plans for a massive change to the calendar of tournaments. 

The idea of a triennial World Cup was first brought up this year after plans for a tournament every two years was abandoned. 

The plan remains hypothetical but still says a lot about the strategy of Gianni Infantino, who still hopes to remain as FIFA’s president for a further decade. 

This change would completely restructure the global fixtures calendar, which caused much of the opposition to a biennial World Cup. African and Asian nations have shared the desire to hold he World Cup every three years, but other stakeholders are yet to get onboard. 

Infantino has also said that the staging of the tournament in the middle of a European winter over the past month has proven to be a game changer. This shows, he said, that the sport can continue to grow and be globalised. 


Murdered cat sparks calls to find alleged brutal killer

Murdered cat sparks calls to find alleged brutal killer
Dec 21 2022 Share

Haunting images of a murdered cat left in a cardboard box have raised concerns to the find the person responsible behind the brutality. 

Taking to social media, Romina Frendo explained that the Real Animal Rights Foundation and the police are investigating the case, which involves the cat found in Mqabba.

The RAR revealed that they will cover necropsy and transportation to the vet. The cat was found with what seems to be an ominous poll with the words ‘Yes’, ‘No’ and ‘Maybe’ written on it. 


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The number 1 was listed under ‘yes’, the number 2 underneath ‘no’ and 3 under ‘maybe’. Police are still determining how this occurred, but images show the cat under what seems to be a rod of some kind which may have been used. 

Investigations are still ongoing. 


Source: Romina Frendo

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Appeal to reach agreement on abortion bill by President

Appeal to reach agreement on abortion bill by President
Dec 21 2022 Share

Speaking in a Republic Day activity in Gozo, President of Malta George Vella reiterated his hope that an agreement could be reached when it comes to the ongoing discussion surrounding abortion. 

The president repeated his appeal, albeit without referring directly to the bill, for there to be an agreement between the various parties on the current discussion. 

This comes after the President revealed that he would consider stepping down from his position if abortion was introduced in Malta. However, should the wording of the bill be amended, this might not come to fruition. 

The bill will decriminalise doctors and women who terminate pregnancies during through medical interventions if the life or health of the mother is at risk. 

The president also used his speech to refer to Gozo’s environment, saying that Malta’s sister island is risking losing a lot. 

‘I expressed my concern about how the erosion of natural beauty can also result in the loss in quality of the tourist product. We must take care of this island’s charm because if we lose it, much more will be lost’ he said. 
