Non-essential shops & services to resume work from 26 April

Apr 7 2021 Share

During today’s 12:30 press conference addressed by Prime Minister Robert Abela, a number of measures were announced, welcoming an ease of restrictions following the recently-imposed partial lockdown.

Amongst other measures, it was announced that establishments providing non-essential goods and services will be allowed to resume work starting from 26th April.

The Prime Minister went on to highlight Malta’s hopeful nature as “one of the most secure countries in Europe” as we head towards the summer season, with a €20 million euro investment prepared for the much-anticipated tourist resurgence.


Prime Minister announces gradual opening of schools starting Monday 12th April

Prime Minister announces gradual opening of schools starting Monday 12th April
Apr 7 2021 Share

In today’s press conference addressed by Prime Minister Robert Abela, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne and Superintendent for Public Health Charmaine Gauci, it was announced that an ease of restrictions will be put in place when it comes to the reopening of schools.

On Monday 12th April, educational institutions from kindergarten up to Primary and childcare centres will open. Wednesday will then see the opening of middle schools and Friday the opening of education levels from form 3 onwards. Post secondary educational institutions will keep delivering education through online learning.


Hunters save birds trapped in fishing lines

Hunters save birds trapped in fishing lines
Apr 7 2021 Share

A video making rounds on social media shows three hunters saving sea birds trapped in fishing lines on the water’s surface. The men allegedly saved around 15 shearwater birds trapped in a complex net of hooks and lines.

Grupp li huma kaċċaturi, salvaw numru ta' ċief li kien maqbud b'konż.

🇲🇹Kmieni magħtul il-jum ta' L-Għid, tlett persuni Matthew Chetcuti, Andre Abela u Donald Vassallo, waqt li kienu fuq il-baħar lemħu ‘l fuq minn 15 il-Ċiefa (Shearwater) li kienu maqbuda b'konż tas-sajd fil-wiċċ. Dawn il-persuni nzertaw huma kaċċaturi, sfortunatament dawn il-ġesti ma jidrux lil publiku. Prosit lil dawn il-persuni tal-ġest xieraq biex ħelsu lura dawn it-tjur fis-selvaġġ. 🇬🇧Early this morning, Matthew Chetcuti, Andre Abela and Donald Vassallo, while at sea, observed 15 Shearwaters caught in a fishing line. These people happened to be hunters, unfortunately these gestures are not much visualised to the public. Congratulations to our friends for the appropriate gesture to free these birds back in the wild.Lovin Malta | Television Malta | | Malta Daily | | NET News | Times of Malta | The Malta Independent | Illum

Posted by Federazzjoni Kaccaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti – FKNK on Sunday, 4 April 2021

The three men identified as Matthew Chetcuti, Andre Abela and Donald Vassallo, pull bird after bird into their boat, free them of their bonds and release them back into the wild. The video went viral soon after on Facebook, with people congratulating the men for the amazing act.


Schools expected to reopen Monday as measures ease

Schools expected to reopen Monday as measures ease
Apr 7 2021 Share

Government sources have informed Times of Malta that Prime Minister Robert Abela is expected to address a press conference today on Wednesday to announce that schools will be reopening as the measures start to be eased off. The decision was allegedly made based on public health advice and that it was safe to return back to school.

Sources also allege that a gradual plan to return to school with different ages returning on different days was brought up but denied. The Prime Minister is also set to announce that surgery will restart at Mater Dei, with other measures being eased off gradually throughout the month. The plan is, according to the Prime Minister, being approached with immense caution.
