BOV chairman Gordon Cordina said on Tuesday that Malta’s financial greylisting left no major impact on the real economy. Cordina explained during a press conference that the recent grey-listing had no major impacts, but, having said that, he remarked that the grey-listing has been a short-lived experience. He warned that, if excessively prolonged, it can start having effects on the wider economy.
The sectors that don’t currently rely on credit or bank liquidity however could be most affected by such shocks, said Cordina. ‘The bank argurs, like other operators in Malta, that the situation will be resolved in the quickest possible way.’ According to CEO Rick Hunkin, BOV operations have similarly been left unscathed by the grey-listing.

Hunkin explained that BOV works closely with correspondent banks and bank partners, the majority of which have already factored in the possibility of greylisting. Some banks which are not in direct partnership with BOV have expressed reservations in processing payments from Malta. He said that this does not mean that there has been no impact, as all international banks have their own risk appetite.